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A Deadeye specializes in attacking their enemies from afar. They are quicker than the eye can see, and seem to always have an eye on their target.   One second, a seemingly untouched bandit looks over his hoard of gold. The next second, a sharp whistle is heard as an arrow passes through the bandit's throat and into a tree nearby. A lone Deadeye smirks, a quarter of a mile away from his target.

Far Sight

Starting at 3rd level, you gain proficiency with martial weapons. In addition, your range for thrown weapons doubles and you do not gain disadvantage on ranged attacks made at long range.

Swift Shot

Starting at 3rd level, you learn how to escape your enemies while still assaulting them. As an action, you can make a ranged attack with advantage if a hostile creature is within 10 feet of you. If the attack hits, you can move a number of feet equal to half of your movement speed without provoking opportunity attacks.   The range for this feature extends to 15 feet at level 5, and 20 feet at level 10.

Sharp Eyes

At 9th level, you learn to line up shots no matter the impairment. You are not affected by lightly obscured areas, and you do not gain disadvantage when blinded.

Fast Hands

At level 13, your hands can move at unparalleled speeds. You now have an additional free object interaction per turn, and you can Use an Object as a bonus action.

An Eye for an Eye

At 17th level, you can use your prowess with ranged weapons against those who threaten you with harm. As an action, you can mark a hostile creature within 60 feet of you for 1 minute. You have advantage on ranged attacks against marked creatures, and can make an additional ranged attack as part of the attack action when targeting a marked creature. You can only have one marked creature at a time.

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