BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Delinquents are the kind of people you don't make eye contact with when you walk down the street. The kids who when you see bunched up in an alley, or crowded around a clerk in a store, you know to just keep on walking. Rogues who travel down this path of expertise are masters in the art of really making their neighborhoods their bitch, and showing those who pushed them down what's what.

Window Shopping

Upon reaching 3rd level, you've begun to master the streets like very few others can, and in doing so, have learned a number of techniques to match. You gain the ability to over the course of a short rest, scan a square mile of town or city for the shops and establishments that would hold the most valuables. This activity is considered light activity for the purposes of completing your short rest. Upon completing this short rest, you are aware of any businesses or establishments that have high gold value in goods on display, and if so, you learn what those items are and their individual values.

Breaking and Entering

Additionally at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in improvised weapons. When you hit a creature with a melee attack using a improvised weapon, simple weapon or unarmed strike, you can apply your sneak attack dice to the damage roll if the creature is surprised or you are in a grapple with the creature, and you do not have disadvantage on the attack. You may now also use all previously available ways to deal sneak attack damage with your unarmed strikes as well as improvised weapons. Additionally, When dealing damage to objects, you always apply your sneak attack damage to the damage rolls. This rolled sneak attack damage does not count against the one iteration of sneak attack you are normally allowed to apply to attacks per turn.

Sucker Punch

Upon reaching 9th level, you have began to really get the hang of catching people off guard. You know how to take opportunities and strike when it's least expected to get a one up on your opponent. When initiative is rolled, you may roll a Charisma (Deception) check as well, against the initiative rolls of all other creatures within the combat. Any creature thats initiative is less than your Deception roll is considered to have been surprised by this engagement.

Break Off

Once you've reached 13th level, when you hit a creature with an improvised weapon that is the same size category as them or smaller, you can choose to attempt to break the weapon off on them. If the damage you deal would also break the item, the items is destroyed, and the attack deals additional damage equal to the hit points the item had before the attack was made.

Full Fledged Brawler

At 17th level, your ability to hold your own in a fist fight is unmatched. You can now apply your sneak attack damage to any unarmed strike or improvised weapon attack that you make. When you hit a creature with an unarmed strike or improvised weapon that is surprised, or grappled, the attack is considered a critical hit.

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