BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Ring the Blade

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn to make your blades sing with destructive energy. While you are wielding a melee weapon, you can use a bonus action to make it ring with sonorous power for one minute. If the weapon leaves your hand, it stops ringing.   While a weapon is ringing, it inflicts thunder damage instead of the normal type. Whenever a creature other than you starts its turn within 5 feet if you while your weapon is ringing, it takes thunder damage equal to your highest ability score modifier.   As an action while holding a ringing weapon, you can unleash this energy, generating sharpened edges of pure sound to lash out in all directions around you and causing the weapon to stop ringing. When you do this, each creature other than you within 15 feet of you takes thunder damage equal to the damage dice of the weapon plus your highest ability score modifier.   You can unleash the energy within a ringing weapon twice, and you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest. Starting at 7th level, unleashing this energy inflicts twice as much damage, and it inflicts three times as much damage at 15th level.

Hear the Silence

Also at 3rd level, you learn to stop noise around you by disrupting your own heartbeat. As a bonus action, you can cast silence centered on yourself. When cast in this way, it requires no verbal, somatic, or material components, lasts until the start of your next turn, and affects a 5-foot-radius sphere centered on you.

Defy Harmony

At 7th level, you move against the beat of the universe, like nails upon life’s chalkboard. You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill. When you wield a weapon that is ringing, your attacks with that weapon ignore disadvantage caused by your target being heavily obscured.

Shatter Synchronicity

At 10th level, you learn to further manipulate sound and silence. Friendly creatures within 15 feet of you gain resistance to thunder damage. When a hostile creature takes thunder damage as a result of starting its turn within 5 feet of you while your weapon is ringing, it becomes disrupted by eldritch vibrations that interfere with spellcasting. If it tries to cast a spell with a verbal component before the start of your next turn, it takes 2d10 thunder damage immediately after casting the spell. If this would cause it to make a concentration saving throw, it makes this saving throw with disadvantage.

Strike Unhindered

At 15th level, while your weapon is ringing, you can use a bonus action to gain the benefits of the Dash action, and you automatically break free from any creature grappling you. After you use this bonus action, any creature or object other than you that is within 5 feet of you at any time during your turn takes thunder damage equal to your highest ability score modifier at the end of your turn.

As Perfect Imperfection

At 18th level, your path has taken you to the final measure, as you at last become the metronome of the Chord. Your heartbeat is as unstoppable as it is unpredictable, and your pulse thunders in your ears. Whenever you are below half your maximum hit points, you can unleash the energy within a ringing weapon without expending your use of the feature. Whenever you are reduced to 0 hit points, you can choose to be reduced to 1 hit point instead. Once you do so, you can’t do so again until you finish a long rest.  

Variant Fighter Maneuvers

Presented here are several maneuvers unique to the Discordant, highlighting their defiance of harmony. If you are not using a fighter variant that supports maneuvers in this fashion, such as Layhnet’s Variant Fighter, then ignore these options.  

Crashing Symbol

Prerequisite: Discordant archetype   When you are hit with an attack, you can use your reaction to unleash a burst of sound. If your attacker is within 10 feet of you, they suffer disadvantage on their next attack targeting you for the remainder of the current turn. Superiority. All hostile creatures within 5 feet of your attacker also suffer disadvantage on the first attack they make targeting you until the start of your next turn.  

Silent Edge

Prerequisite: Discordant archetype   Your blade now rings in the silence between the beats of the universe, granting you advantage on Stealth checks while your weapon is ringing and making it inaudible to hostile creatures. Superiority. Until the start of your next turn, you can take the Hide action as a bonus action.  

Sonic Blade

Prerequisite: Discordant archetype   Once per round when you make a weapon attack, you can choose to wreathe your weapon in disruptive sound. If the attack hits a creature that is concentrating on a spell, it has disadvantage on the saving throw to maintain concentration. Superiority. The creature you hit and all creatures other than you within 5 feet of the target of this attack take thunder damage equal to your highest ability score modifier.


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