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Dr. Viviana Ilica Ph.D., MD.

(a.k.a. The Bloody Doctor, Mistress of Medicine)

Riven's Initial Offer 43,000 gp
Information Guild 950 gp
Travel 150 gp


Dr. Viviana is both a renowned doctor and an infamous criminal wanted in Drotalis and The Grand Duchy of Kharsyt. Originally from Drotalis, she was a rising star that graduated from the prestigious College of Greater Knowledge at the age of 10 with a medical doctorate. She would then go on to spend 4 more years getting doctorates in Alchemy, Ancient Arndeal History, Magic Theory, and Biology. When she was 17 it was discovered she was illegal researching and experimenting on live people and the newly undead. She managed to escape arrest then she went to Noctirnan where 6 years later she would be forced to leave after becoming wanted in the Grand Duchy of Kharsyt and after making an enemy of the Blood Court. She is supposedly now working out of a clinic in Brimcrest where she still conducts her research. Despite her numerous crimes and various enemies, she has a great many unseen backers she got thanks to her breakthroughs in medicine and alchemy as well as from those whose lives she saved.  
As far as criminals go she isn't a small one but we'd have a hard time finding a better doctor. Plus if she is the doctor some members might be more careful to avoid visiting her. I know I'll do my best for sure. She might be a tough one to recruit but the rumors about her maybe leaving Brimcrest soon is a bit hopeful if you want her to join.
-Riven Guntar


  • There are few who can claim to be as knowledgeable as The Bloody Doctor
  • She caries vials of blood from important experiments and patients
  • They say she got her nickname when 15 guards went to arrest her for the first time at her home and she walked out free and covered in the blood.
  • She created and mastered a form of blood magic
  • Even when she is wanted she sends papers and books on her major discoveries and research back to the College of Greater Knowledge
  • She supposedly had some mysterious tutor that even she couldn't rival when she was younger
  • They say she has killed just as much as she has healed or saved with her discoveries
  • She has supposedly made a few enemies in Brimcrest and might be relocating soon





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