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Dragons, Drakes and other Draconic Creatures

Throughout the known world there are numerous kinds of draconic creatures. This article will briefly cover each one as well as some of the customs or habits of them.


The mightiest and oldest of draconic creatures, dragons have four legs, wings, a tail and are capable of magic and great intelligence. Roughly four ages ago during the age known was the War of Dragons or the Dragon Age, the dragons were scattered throughout the world living within isolated territories. They lived happily until numerous Titans woke and began hunting them for food, severely thinning their numbers. Those that survived set aside old feuds and ideals and banded together to form a safe haven for themselves, the Dwelling of Dragons. The vast majority of living dragons live here within one of the continents three major territories. Only those that have been exiled or those that disagree with those in Dwelling live outside of the continent. It is because of this that dragons are rare in most of the world and in some places are believed to be myths. Within the continent dragons have stable and notable places within society and as such aren’t seen as some sort of monster.  


Unlike their larger cousins most drakes only have two legs. They are also considerably smaller than dragons and have shorter lifespans. There are even a few drakes that fave four legs but lack wings and so,e that lack the unique breath of dragons. Other than those differences drakes and dragons have much in common. Both are capable of magic and can be quite intelligent. Some drakes become companions of humanoids or work with them to further magical studies. Because of their size drakes were never hunted by Titans and can be found in pretty much every region of the world. To most of the known world drakes make up the majority of interactions with Draconic creatures, both good and bad.  


Larger than drakes but smaller than dragons and dumber than both are wyverns. In fact other than their cunningness, wyverns are little different than ordinary beasts as they lack the intelligence of their Draconic cousins, the unique breath capability and have no capacity for magic. Though they are very different than dragons that does not mean they are not dangerous. Wyverns are known for their aggressive behavior and for the poisonous stingers at the end of their tails. That said there are a few parts of the world where they are trained to be mounts for humanoid creatures and sometimes used in warfare.  

Dragon Turtles

As fearsome and powerful as their land dwelling cousins, dragon turtles are sea dwelling creatures with many similarities to dragons. They are capable of intelligence, magic and even hoard objects like dragons. Like dragons they too are commonly hunted by Titans but rely on secret rifts to the Elemental Plane of Water for shelter when a Titan passes through their territory. As their namesake suggests dragon turtles lack wings but instead have an rough shell on its back.


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