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Martial Nuance

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you learn when to strike fast and when to swing hard. You gain two special attacks you can use when making a melee weapon attack, heavy blow and nimble strike, both detailed below.   Heavy Blow. You do not add your attack ability modifier to the attack roll. You gain a bonus to your damage roll equal to your attack ability modifier (minimum of 1).   Nimble Strike. You gain a bonus to your attack roll equal to half your attack ability modifier, rounded up (minimum of 1). The attack's damage is reduced by an equal amount.

Swift Reflexes

Also at 3rd level, you gain the ability to parry and riposte with great flair. These special reactions are fueled by panache, and are detailed below. You have four panache. You regain all of your expended panache when you finish a short or long rest. You gain another panache at 7th, 10th, 15th, and 18th level.   Parry. When another creature makes a melee weapon attack against you while you are wielding a melee weapon, you can use your reaction and expend one panache to add half your fighter level (rounded up) to your AC for that attack, potentially causing the attack to miss you.   Riposte. After another creature makes a melee attack against you, you can use your reaction and expend one panache to make a melee weapon attack against that creature.

Duelist's Gambit

Starting at 7th level, the flow of battle looks to you as if it were a smooth dance. You learn specific combinations of attacks, called gambits, that are fueled by your panache. You learn five gambits of your choice, which are detailed at the end of the archetype description. Each gambit consists of a series of specific attacks that must all take place during the same turn and in the specified order.   To use a gambit, you must state the gambit you are using before making any attacks. The gambit's effect takes place on the final attack unless stated otherwise. If the gambit is successful, you expend one panache. If the gambit is unsuccessful, you have left an opening and the next attack roll made against you before the start of your next turn is made at advantage.    Attacks do not need to hit to be considered part of the gambit unless they are prefaced with the "Successful Attack" tag. If you miss an attack that requires a "Successful Attack", you must use your next attack to attempt the "Successful Attack" again. If you do not make all of the attacks in a gambit, that gambit is unsuccessful. You can move in between each attack in your gambit, and each attack can target a different creature, or the same creature.   You learn two additional gambits of your choice at 11th, 15th, and 20th level. Each time you learn new gambits, you can also replace one gambit you know with a different one.

Courtier's Grace

At 10th level, the poise and grace you've gained from your combat training have made you more dignified. Any time you make a Charisma (Persuasion) or Charisma (Performance) check, you can add your Strength or Dexterity modifier.

Improvisational Savant

At 15th level, you have grown more comfortable with altering the forms of your gambits. When you declare a gambit, you can replace one attack type with another for that gambit on this turn.

Spot the Opening

At 18th level, your ability to read an opponent's movements is unparalleled. You can grant yourself advantage on one attack roll in each gambit, but must declare it before making the attack.  


If a gambit has prerequisites, you must meet them to learn it. You can learn the gambit at the same time that you meet its prerequisites. The following table shows the abbreviation of each attack type and the abbreviation for a "Successful Attack".
Gambit Key
Abbreviation  Meaning
Basic Attack
Heavy Blow
Nimble Strike
Successful Attack

Apple Blossoms In The Wind

Prerequisite: 11th level
Gambit: N, N, N
Effect: For each attack that hits a creature of size Large or smaller, you can push the target 5 feet directly away from you. If all 3 attacks push the same target, the target is knocked prone.

The Boar Rushes Down The Mountain

Gambit: B, SH
Effect: You can use a bonus action to make a shove attack against the target of the second attack.

The Creeper Embraces the Oak

Prerequisite: 11th level
Gambit: B, N, SN
Effect: You can use a bonus action to attempt to grapple the target of the third attack.

The Dove Takes Flight

Gambit: SN, N
Effect: You can take the disengage action as a bonus action this turn.

Folding the Fan

Prerequisite: 11th level
Gambit: N, SB, SB
Effect: You gain temporary hit points equal to the number rolled on the damage dice of the last attack of this gambit.

The Heron Spreads Its Wings

Gambit: N, SN
Effect: You can take the dash action as a bonus action this turn.

Hummingbird Kisses The Honeyrose

Gambit: SN, B
Effect: You gain +2 AC until the start of your next turn.

Kissing the Adder

Gambit: N, SH
Effect: You can immediately make another basic melee weapon attack. You do not add any modifiers to the attack damage if the attack hits.

Leopard in High Grass

Gambit: B, N
Effect: Your movement speed increases by 10 feet until the end of your next turn.

Lightning of Three Prongs

Prerequisite: 11th level
Gambit: H, SB, SH
Effect: You have advantage on the final attack. If that attack hits a creature of size Large or smaller, the target is knocked prone.

The Lion Springs

Gambit: B, H
Effect: When you declare this gambit, you can use your bonus action to leap up to 10 feet, but you must land within reach of the target of the second attack. You do not provoke attacks of opportunity while leaping.

Lizard In the Thornbush

Gambit: B, B
Effect: You can take the hide action as a bonus action this turn.

Low Wind Rising

Prerequisite: 11th level
Gambit: SB, SB, SH
Effect: If all three attacks hit the same target, the target is blinded until the end of its next turn.

Oak Shakes Its Branches

Prerequisite 11th level
Gambit: B, SN, H
Effect: The final attack cleaves through enemies. You can make an attack of the same type against each creature within 5 feet of the target of the third attack, so long as they are within the reach of your weapon.

Parting the Silk

Prerequisite: 20th level
Gambit: SB, SB, SN, SN
Effect: You must be wielding a slashing weapon to gain these effects. The nimble strikes made as part of this gambit do not suffer the penalty to attack damage. Additionally, if the third and fourth attacks hit, you can take the dodge action as a bonus action this turn.

Ribbon in the Air

Gambit: B, N
Effect: Until the start of your next turn, you can Parry or Riposte once without using your reaction.

The River Undercuts the Bank

Prerequisite: 20th level
Gambit: SB, SB, SH, SH
Effect: You must be wielding a bludgeoning weapon to gain these effects. If the third attack hits a creature of size Large or smaller, the target is knocked prone. If the final attack is a heavy blow that hits that same creature, the target is paralyzed until the start of your next turn.

Stone Falls From the Mountain

Prerequisite: 11th level
Gambit: H, H, H
Effect: For every attack that hits, the target's speed is reduced by 5 feet until the end of its next turn. If all three attacks hit the same creature of size Large or smaller, the target is stunned for the same duration.

Threading the Needle

Prerequisite: 20th level
Gambit: SB, SN, SB, SH
Effect: You must be wielding a piercing weapon to gain these effects. You have advantage on the final attack. If the final attack is a heavy blow that hits a creature of size Large or smaller, you pierce their foot and pin it to the ground. The target is restrained until your weapon is removed. You can not make any attacks with that weapon until it is removed and you are grappled while you hold onto it. A creature can use an action to remove the weapon. If you are holding the weapon, you can make a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the creature's Strength (Athletics) check. If you succeed, the weapon stays in place.

Whirlwind on the Mountain

Gambit: H, H
Effect: The heavy strikes made as part of this gambit do not gain the bonus to attack damage. Attacks against you have disadvantage until the start of your next turn.


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