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Trap Setter

At 3rd level, your experience with the inner workings of dungeons lead you to understanding how to construct traps of your own. As an action, you can use your thieves tools to hastily construct a makeshift trap that lasts for 1 minute. You can only have 1 trap active at a time. The traps are hidden when deployed and require a perception check against the Trap DC to see. A creature can attempt to disarm your traps with thieves tools with the Trap Save DC as the DC.
Arrow Slit: You place up to 2 pieces of ammunition against a solid surface. When a creature moves within 30ft parallel to the surface you placed the ammunition you can use your reaction to trigger the trap. The closest creature must make a Dexterity save against your Trap Save DC. On a failed save the creature takes piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Intelligence Modifier per piece of ammunition. If the ammunition has any special properties they are applied when they hit a creature.
Pitfall: You touch a part of the dungeons floor. When a creature moves over you can use your reaction to trigger the trap. All creatures within a 10x10ft square must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Trap Save DC. On a failed save, creatures fall 10ft and are knocked prone.
Landmine: You touch a part of the dungeons floor. When a creature moves over you can use your reaction to trigger the trap. All creatures within a 15x15ft square must make a Dexterity saving throw against your Trap Save DC. On a failed save each creature takes 2d6 fire damage or half as much on a successful save.
Trap Save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
your Intelligence modifier
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier and regain all uses after finishing a short or long rest. When a creature triggers one of your traps your next attack against that creature is granted your Sneak Attack bonus.

Experienced Delver

Additionally, at 3rd level, your experience with the inner workings of dungeons has given you insight to there construction. You have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) and Intelligence (Investigation) made to detect the presence of secret doors.

All Terrain Mastery

At 9th level, your travels have taken you to almost all known environments. Your walking speed increases by 10ft and you gain a climbing and swimming equal to your walking speed. Additionally, your sense of direction has been honed to an absurd degree. You can alway discern north.

Desperate Measures

At 13th level, you have been through many long and dangerous treks through ancient temples and evil lairs and know how to improvise. You can proficiency with improvised weapons. Additionally, improvised weapons you wield in one hand have the finesse property.

Trapper Savant

At 17th level, your ability to set traps efficiently and effectively is at the level of a genius. You can set traps as a bonus action and you can set traps to automatically trigger without your command if you leave the traps line of sight. The traps you can set gain the following benefits; Arrow Slit: You can set 3 pieces of ammunition to fire instead of 2.
Pitfall: The bottom of your pitfall contains jagged stones and sharp edges. When a creature falls into the pitfall they take 1d10 piercing damage.
Landmine: You can place the Landmine on any surface, object or creature you can touch. The damage increases to 3d6.

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