BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


You’ve nearly died. Sometime recently, or earlier in your life, you’ve fallen to the brink of death and felt your heartbeat stop. In that moment, far from hope, your spirit wandered the border of life and death, where it entered the Forbidden Graveyard. Amidst the sepulchers and crypts of this haunted dimension, you bore witness to the secrets of life and death, speaking with the fallen whose gaze chilled your very soul. Somehow, you returned from that fallen plane, but it has stained you. Your spirit is filled with both the eerie power of darkness and the flowing force of life, granting you the ability to touch the souls of others directly. You might still be living, but your every step is one of a dead man walking.

Spirit Mending

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, your unnatural luck and affinity for the energies of life allow you to bring people back from the brink of death. Whenever an allied creature other than you within 5 feet of you is below half their maximum hit points, you can use an action to pour healing energy into them. The target recovers hit points equal to your rogue level plus your Charisma modifier. If the target has been reduced to 0 hit points, they recover half as many hit points instead. Once a creature has been affected by this feature, it can’t be healed by this feature again until it finishes a long rest.

Soul Thief

Also at 3rd level, you learn to steal the life essence of your enemies, and your connection to the grave grants incredible power. Whenever you or an undead you control kills a creature with an Intelligence score of 6 or greater, you can choose to harvest a fraction of your victim’s soul, binding it into a small object you keep about your person, such as a gemstone, doll, or weapon. Each object can contain only one such soul at a time.   As a bonus action, you can choose to unleash one of these enslaved spirits to do your bidding, freeing it from the item. If the spirit was bound to a weapon, you summon a ghostly version of the weapon and use it to make a melee weapon attack with a reach of 15 feet. This attack deals force damage. After the attack is made, the ethereal weapon vanishes. If the spirit was bound to any other item, you force it to tear a shadow-filled rift through the Graveyard, teleporting you a number of feet equal to 10 + five times your Charisma modifier (minimum 10 feet) to a location of your choosing that you can see.   Whenever you finish a long rest, your powerful soul calls to the Graveyard, bringing forth a number of spirits to bind to objects of your choosing equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum one). You can have a number of spirits bound at once equal to twice your Charisma modifier, (minimum two). You can choose to release a spirit without effect at any time to make space for a new one.

Whisper to the Fallen

At 9th level, your voice gains an unearthly quality, allowing you to commune with the departed. You can cast speak with dead at will without expending a spell slot, but you can only do so targeting any soul you have bound to an item, ignoring the requirement that there be a corpse with a mouth. Spirits summoned from the Graveyard are mindless, and rarely have anything interesting to say.

Hangman’s Dance

At 13th level, your control over the spirits of the dead enables you to bend them more fully to your whims. You can cast animate dead without expending a spell slot by expending one of your bound souls.   You can do this twice, and these uses recover whenever you finish a long rest.   You can use a bonus action to cause all friendly undead within 60 feet of you to surge with otherworldly power. Each undead can use its reaction to move up to 30 feet without provoking opportunity attacks and ignoring difficult terrain.

No Rest for the Wicked

At 17th level, your soul finally fully reconnects with your body while stained with dark power, allowing you to bridge the gap between the Graveyard and the other planes with ease. Whenever you roll initiative, you can choose one hostile creature that you can see within 60 feet of you. That creature is marked by the Gate of Souls within the Graveyard as a beacon for the energies of the fallen. Once per turn when you inflict damage to that creature, you can choose to bind a single soul from the Graveyard to an item in your possession. This effect lasts for one minute.

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