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There are various different guilds throughout the known world. Listed below are the major kinds of guilds and their purposes.   

Merchant's Guild

Found in nearly every major city, merchant guilds allow merchants to band together to secure better goods, more favorable fees, and prices, and lobby for better treatment from their host cities. These guilds are often run by wealthy and influential merchants or a small council of merchants. Merchant guilds often compete with other merchant guilds and are known for hiring adventurers for various quests. 

Traveler's Guild

The Traveler's Guild is a massive guild found all over the known world and is funded by the majority of the world's nations. As their name implies, members of this guild are often found traveling all over the world, either in parties or as individuals. The responsibilities of the guild members are as follows:
  • Report on Titans' whereabouts and the awakening of new Titans
  • Report signs of incoming hazardous weather
  • Report other noted threats to the nearest guild building
  • Transport Mail 
  • Act as guides for those with enough coin
  • Survey the land and report their findings
Because of their responsibilities, the Traveler's Guild is seen as a neutral party and protected by most nations from conflict and interference. The guild is also known to have strong ties to countless businesses and guilds the world over. There are more than a few adventurers who work part-time as members of the Traveler's Guild or take on jobs that the guild puts up.   

Adventurer's Guild

The most famous of the guilds, adventurer's guilds, otherwise known as adventuring companies, are groups of skilled individuals that can be hired to accomplish a wide variety of tasks, commonly referred to as quests. These adventurer's guilds can have numerous different rules and customs depending on their guild master. Adventurer's guilds can be found in just about every notable settlement in the world. They often provide shelter, resources, and assistance to its members. Many of the heroes and legends in numerous stories were often adventurers. 

The Dormont Adventuring Company 

Out of all the adventuring companies in the known world, none come even close to rivaling the power, reach, and importance of the Dormont Adventuring Company. When someone talks about an adventurer's guild 95 times out of 100 they are talking about one of the countless guilds run by the Dormont Adventuring Company. While the details of the Dormant Adventuring Company are largely a mystery, they have managed to practically own the entire industry. The company has basically created the standards of business for adventurers. In fact, there are rumors that the company itself was founded by the first people to call themselves adventurers. Despite all of that, however, the countless guilds under the Dormont Adventuring Company all operate autonomously and have their own guild master who oversees the guild. Other than following the guidelines established by the company, reporting all matters of business, and paying a portion of profit to the company the guilds have a saw in how they are run. In one town, those seeking to be adventurers may be required to take some sort of physical test while in others only a fee may be required. Membership in one of the company's guilds automatically grants membership to every guild under the company. Given the nature of the adventurer's guilds, it is common for them to have close ties to their host nations and there are even a few guilds that establish a ranking system at the request of the nation. 

The Mage's Guilds

In current times, mage's guilds are normally nation run organizations that are used to track and police magic users. Typically all magic users capable of 3rd level or higher are required to register. The members of these guilds often use the guilds for things such as information sharing, posting quests, finding apprentices, and as a means to enter and traverse the world of politics and high society. In times of war, it is common for Mage Guilds to draft its members into the nation's military. Because of the rules and restrictions of Mages Guilds and the watchful eyes of those who run them, it is common for magic users to form social clubs and circles that are connected but separate from the guilds. These clubs or circles provide a bit of privacy to research and discuss their work with like-minded individuals.


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