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Hand of Glory

All kinds of wondrous powers are attributed in legend to the severed left hand of a thief, sometimes known as a Hand of Glory. These legends are partly true, but what they fail to mention is how they derive from the legends of tricksters and arsonists with hands that blazed with sunlight.


Starting at 3rd level, your left hand gains supernatural power. When you would draw a weapon, you can instead cause your hand to glow, shedding bright light out to 20 feet and dim light for a further 20 feet. Whilst in this state, your hand is treated as having the statistics of a dagger with the following changes:
  • The hand has a number of charges equal to your level in this class. When you deal sneak attack damage to a creature with the Hand of Glory, you can expend a charge to deal an additional 2d6 radiant damage
  • If you expend all charges from the hand, it ceases to shed light and loses all special abilities until it regains at least one charge. Charges are regained at the end of a long rest.
  • You may not throw it. Unless you cut it off. Which would be a bit silly.
Your hand remains in this state for 1 minute. The


At 9th level, you can use the power of the hand to cast spells. Your spellcasting ability for these spells is Charisma, and your spell save DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma modifier. You can expend charges from the hand to cast the following spells, requiring only somatic components where relevant: daylight (3 charges), dawn (5 charges), hold person (2 charges) At 13th level, add sunbeam to this list (7 charges)


Starting at 13th level, whilst the hand is active, you can set fire to objects you touch as an action. This flame cannot be extinguished until it runs out of flammable material to burn.

Second Hand

At 17th level, you can create a glowing simulacrum of yourself as an action. This simulacrum possesses all the powers of the hand of glory, which you lose until the simulacrum is destroyed. After 24 hours, if the simulacrum is still extant, it crumbles to dust and you regain your powers.

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