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Hollow Knight

Bonded Armor

At 3rd level, your training allows you to bond to a specific set of armour by investing it with a shard of your soul. This process takes 24 hours in which you must wear the armor continuously. Bonding to a set of armor has the following benefits:
  • You are no longer hamperered by any movement penalties you would incur as a direct result of wearing said armor, such as a reduced swim speed.
  • You can use a bonus action to instantly don your armor, which teleports onto your body piece by piece regardless of where it was located.
  • Whilst wearing your bonded armor, your speed increases by 10 feet, and you are treated as one size category larger for the purposes of calculating how far you can jump, and how much you can carry, push, drag or lift. This stacks with racial bonuses to that effect.
If your bonded armor is destroyed, you gain a level of exhaustion which persists until you replace it with a new set.  

Animated Assistant

At 7th level, your armor gains a level of sentience. When you remove your armor, it is treated as an animated armor, and you have a telepathic bond with it as long as you remain on the same plane of existence. If you fall unconscious inside your armor, it can act as if you had removed it, carrying your body inside it at no penalty.  

Surge Carapace

At 10th level, your armor responds to the rhythm of battle. When you use your Action Surge, your armor class increases by a number equal to your proficiency bonus until the end of your next turn.  

Magic Resistance

At 15th level, your armor can deflect the strongest of blows. When you are hit by an attack, before damage is rolled, you can use your reaction to ignore all damage from that attack. You must finish a short rest before using this ability again.  


At 18th level, if you are killed whilst wearing your Bonded Armor, it is not the end. Your bond to your armor ends, and you return to life at the start of the next round inside the armor with 1 hit point. If your body was destroyed or so heavily damaged as to make resurrection impossible, your armor transmutes into a new body for your soul to inhabit.


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