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Malia of the Bluewing Clan

Malia Tha Ethil

Riven's Initial Offer 9000 gp
Information Guild 100 gp
Travel 50 gp


Malia is known in many circles as a lone barbarian “guest member”. She temporarily joins a party for the duration of their quest but once it’s done and she’s got her cut she immediately moves on to the next without break. She hasn’t settled in a city, preferring to be where ever the most jobs are. It is because of nomadic behavior, her constantly working with different parties, and her competency that word of her has gone around. At this point, it is known that some parties and guilds in need of an extra barbarian for a quest often send her requests. No one knows why she doesn’t take any breaks.  


  • She doesn't take any breaks because she is incredibly bloodthirsty.
  • She is the descendant of a legendary line of Rocborne warriors.
  • She once killed a giant with her bare hands.
  • She has a secret backer that is a dragon.
  • She is the last member of a Rocborne Clan.
  • The other rumors about her strength are exaggerated and she is always switching teams to hide her weakness.
  • Her ax is carved from the bones of a drake she killed bare-handed.
  • She is always working to fulfill some sort of vengeance or debt.
  • She is the cause of the deaths of three parties she worked with.
Elf, Mountain



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