BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


You embrace the concept of disguise and take it to its extreme. As a Mask, you devote yourself to a persona; an identity you don and doff as easily as another might change their clothes, and delight in exploring it to its fullest.  

Persona Mask

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you forge a connection with a magical artifact; a persona mask. Your mask takes the form of a nonmagical object you can carry, such as a mask, a cape, or a weapon.   While holding your persona mask, you can use your bonus action to magically transform, taking on an identity represented by the mask. You decide what this identity looks like when you transform for the first time, including its height, weight, sex, facial features, sound of its voice, hair length, colouration, and distinguishing characteristics. The identity can appear as any race, though none of your statistics change. Its basic shape is humanoid, and its size is Small or Medium.   When you transform, everything you are wearing or carrying transforms with you. Any item you drop reverts to its original appearance. In this form, your AC equals 15 + your Dexterity modifier (to a maximum of +2), unless your AC would be higher.   Your transformation lasts until you dismiss it (no action required). It ends early if you die, or if your persona mask is more than 5 feet away from you for 1 hour. If you lose your mask, you can perform a 1-hour ritual to summon it to your side. You can perform this ritual during a short or long rest.


Also at 3rd level, you choose one of the following kinds of creatures to be represented by your persona mask and gain its feature while transformed;   Beast Mask. You can communicate simple ideas with beasts, and you grow claws, fangs, or horns which you can use to make unarmed strikes. You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for their attack and damage rolls, their damage die is a d6, and you can use your Sneak Attack with them.   Hell Mask. You can speak, read, and write Infernal and Abyssal, and you can cause any damage dealt by your Sneak Attack feature to deal fire damage.   Ghoul Mask. You can understand any language spoken by undead, undead that speak at least one language can understand your words, and you can cause any damage dealt by your Sneak Attack feature to deal necrotic damage.   Fairy Mask. You can speak, read, and write Sylvan, and you can cause any damage dealt by your Sneak Attack feature to deal psychic damage.


At 9th level, any hostile creature who sees you transform using your Persona Mask feature must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC 8 + your Charisma modifier + your proficiency bonus). On a failed save, the creature loses all memory of your former appearance. The creature knows its memory was tampered with, but cannot recall any details about how you truly look. On a successful save, the creature is immune to this effect for 24 hours.   Additionally, when you transform, you can gain temporary hit points equal to your rogue level which last until your transformation ends. You can't do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Circus Act

At 13th level, you learn to cast a spell based on the creature you chose at 3rd level. Once you cast it, you must finish a long rest before you can cast it again using this feature. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for these spells.   Beast Mask. You can cast conjure animals.   Hell Mask. You can cast summon lesser demons.   Ghoul Mask. You can cast spirit guardians.   Fairy Mask. You can cast hypnotic pattern.

Samhain's Dance

At 17th level, when you transform using your Persona Mask feature, you can choose any number of willing creatures you can see within 60 feet of you to join in a grand festival. Each creature transforms with you for the duration of the festival, gaining the benefits of your Persona Mask, Masquerade, and Carnevale features, and sharing your appearance.   A transformed creature can use its bonus action to choose another transformed creature it can see within 60 feet of it. If that creature is willing, both creatures teleport, swapping places.   The festival lasts for 1 hour, until you choose to end it (no action required), or until you die. Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.

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