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Mist Sovereign

Silent Skulker

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, your study and channeling of the mists allows you to move as silently as it does. You gain proficiency in the stealth skill if you don't have it already and moving stealthily no longer costs you any extra movement.

Misty Strike

Also at 3rd level, you gain the ability to cast the misty step spell. Whenever you cast the spell with this feature, when you appear in your new location you may make a single melee weapon attack against a creature within range as part of the same bonus action. If this attack hits then your target has disadvantage on the first attack they make on their next turn.   You may use this feature twice and regain all uses after a short or long rest.   Wisdom is your spellcasting modifier when using misty step in this way.

Mantle of Fog

At 7th level, there always seems to be a cloud of mist surrounding and protecting you. You're always considered to be lightly obscured and you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to twice your Fighter level. Any lost temporary hit points gained from this feature replenish after a short or long rest.

Efficient Mists

Upon reaching 10th level, you now have three uses of your Misty Strike ability and the attack you make as part of using misty step deals an additional 1d8 acid damage on a hit.

Cloud-Like Body

Beginning at 15th level, your physical being begins to take on the properties of the mists. You no longer trigger attacks of opportunity and moving a through space that a creature is occupying no longer counts as difficult terrain. In addition, friendly creatures moving through a space you're occupying no longer counts as difficult terrain as well.

Realm of Smog

At 18th level, as an action you may summon forth mists in a 60 foot radius centered on you for 1 minute. While you are within this area you are considered heavily obscured and your movement speed increases by 20 feet. All hostile creatures within this area lose all sense of direction and take 2d8 acid damage at the start of each of their turns.   Additionally, your current number of temporary hit points granted to you by your Mantle of Fog feature is doubled while you are within this area only.   Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you finish a long rest.


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