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Pact of The Eye

When you choose this pact, one of your eyes is replaced with a false magical eye provided by your pact patron. If you are already missing one or more eyes, this mystical eye can appear where that eye should be. The eye grants you certain persuasive and perceptive powers.   Except during turns when you cast a spell, this eye appears identical to how your normal eye should look, unless you choose to reveal it. The eye manifests its true from when you cast a spell, but returns to normal at the end of the turn. You can also reveal the eye purposefully during your turn. When you do, it remains revealed for one minute. During that minute, you have advantage on Charisma (Intimidation) checks but disadvantage on Charisma (Persuasion) checks.     Additionally, when you use one of your warlock spell slots to cast a divination or enchantment spell of 1st or 2nd level (even if you use a higher-level slot to cast it), you can immediately regain that spell slot as if it had never been used. Once you regain a spell slot in this way, you cannot do so again until you complete a short or long rest. If some effect causes you to lose your eye, you can perform a 1-hour ceremony to replace it. The ceremony can be performed during a short or long rest, and it destroys the previous eye.   Some warlocks who make this pact replace both eyes instead of one. Others are cursed to have their new eye or eyes visible at all times. The effects of these variations are essentially cosmetic, and they don’t grant any additional abilities or change an eye’s function.

Forms of the Pact of the Eye

When the false eye gained from the Pact of the Eye is revealed, it is clearly not the eye of any normal mortal creature. Its appearance depends on your pact patron.
The Accursed Archive. The eye appears to be made of parchment with the details and iris being made of ink.   The All-Maker. The eye appears to be made out of the preferred element of your patron (fire, water, earth, etc).   The Ancestral Soul. The eye appears spectral and fades in and out.   The Archfey. The eye appears jewel-like and colorful, resembling a real eye covered in a glossy varnish. It looks very much like the magic item called a hag eye, as created by a coven of hags.   The Ashen Wolf. The eye resembles burning coals more than normal eyes.   The Celestial. An angelic eye with no iris that glows a faint gold, silver or light blue   The Crimson Malifact. An eye made of blood that sheds tears of blood when spells are cast.   The Currency Conspiracy. An eye made of solid gold, silver or platinum.   The Drowned. A bulging, unblinking, watery batrachian eye. When examined closely, it reflects the image of a seacoast, even when there is none around.   The Fiend. A demonic eye, slitted like that of a reptile, limned in red or green flame.   Frostbringer. An eye made purely of ice with frost gathering around it.   The Great Old One. A void of solid black, occasionally glinting with violet starlight, that distorts the reflections of those who stare into it.   The Hexblade. An eye that appears to be made out of the same material as your weapon. In place of an iris, a glowing rune is carved into it.   The Lingering Shade. Made from pure darkness, this eye is perpetually bleeding wisps of shadow.   Nameless. An eye made from a polished mirror.   The Undying. Golden in color, this eye has no iris, but is unstead marked by a simple black shape symbolizing the patron (an hourglass, a hand, a skull, etc.).


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