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At 3rd level, your training allows you to prepare rations that keep your allies in top condition. You prepare a number of rations equal to your Constitution modifier at the end of every long rest. You may select any of the rations from the list at the end of this subclass description, as long as you meet the level prerequisite. In combat, you can use your action to either feed yourself, or a friendly creature within 5 ft. one ration.  


Also 3rd level, you gain abilities to help shoulder your allies burdens. You gain proficiency in the animal handling skill, land vehicles, and your choice of either carpenter's tools or cook's utensils. If you already have proficiency in these skills or tools, you may add double your proficiency bonus to any ability check you make with them.   Additionally, you count as one size category larger when determining your carrying capacity.  


Your party is counting on you! Beginning at 7th level, you can use a bonus action on your turn to take a few special actions.   Aid. You can administer a single potion or ration to a friendly creature within 10ft of you.   Arm. You can give a weapon to a friendly creature within 10ft of you. They can equip the new weapon and stow any weapon they are currently carrying as a free action.   Handiwork. You can use any tool you have proficiency with to interact with a creature or object.   Over There! You point to an enemy creature that you can see. The next attack against that creature can ignore up to three-quarters cover.   Restock. You can give a friendly creature within 10ft of you any amount of ranged ammunition you are carrying.   Smelling Salts. You can allow a friendly creature within 5ft of you to re-attempt a saving throw to end a condition currently effecting them.  

Improved Rations

At 10th level, you've greatly improved your process for supplying an adventuring party. When you prepare your rations at the end of a long rest, you now prepare the improved version of each.   Also, the improvements to your rations have made them much smaller, without losing any of their potency. Your rations can now be consumed by friendly creatures as a bonus action on your turn.  


By 15th level, you're always ready to support those who travel with you. You now prepare a number rations equal to your Constitution modifier at the end of every short rest. These rations expire at the beginning of your next short or long rest.   Additionally, if you begin combat with no rations prepared, you can scrounge around in your supplies, and prepare one ration of your choice.  

Iron Will

Your close work with your rations and supplies has toughened your body and soul to a point only few have reached. At 18th level your Constitution score increases by 2, and your maximum Constitution score is now 22.   Additionally, you are always under the effect of one ration of your choice. The ration must have a duration longer then instantaneous. You can change this effect at the end of every short or long rest.  


Detailed below are the rations available to the Quartermaster Fighter. Creatures can only be under the effect of one ration at a time. Consuming a new ration immediately ends any current ration effects. Rations lose their potency and expire at the beginning of your next long rest. Rations can be distributed to the party at any point during the adventuring day, and can be consumed by using an action.  

Adrenaline Ration.

Prerequisite 15th level (duration, instantaneous)
This ration shocks the adventurer's system back to life. They regain hit points equal to your fighter level and may take immediately take one action. After they take the action granted by this ration they immediately gain two levels of exhaustion.  

Berserker Ration.

Prerequisite 15th level (duration, 1 hour)
When consumed, this ration allows the adventurer to push beyond the limits of normal mortals. While under the effects of this ration you do not fall unconscious when you drop to 0 hit points. You still continue to make death saving throws, however, they are at disadvantage.  

Energizing Ration.

(duration, instantaneous)
When consumed, this ration gives the adventurer the vitality to power through their struggles. Their level of exhaustion is reduced by 1.
Improved Ration: Exhaustion level is reduced by 2  

Enchanted Ration.

Prerequisite 7th level (duration, 1 minute)
When consumed, this ration enchants the adventurer's body. They gain resistance to your choice of acid, cold, fire, poison, lightning, or thunder damage for the duration.
Improved Ration: Effect duration increases to 1 hour.  

Fortifying Ration.

(duration, 1 minute)
When this ration is consumed, the adventurer's body becomes extremely resilient. They gain advantage on your choice of Constitution, Dexterity, or Strength checks and saving throws for the duration.
Improved Ration: Effect duration increases to 1 hour.  

Healing Ration.

(duration, instantaneous)
When consumed, this ration soothes the weary adventurer. They regain hit points equal to 1d6 + your fighter level.
Improved Ration: hit points regained increases to 3d6 + your fighter level.  

Heightening Ration.

Prerequisite 7th level (duration, 1 minute)
When consumed, this ration enhances the adventurer's mind and their ability to process the world around them. They gain advantage on your choice of Charisma, Intelligence, or Wisdom checks and saving throws for the duration.
Improved Ration: Effect duration increases to 1 hour.  

Invigorating Ration.

Prerequisite 5th level (duration, 1 hour)
When consumed this ration fortifies the adventurer's body. They gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier plus your proficiency bonus.
Improved Ration: The temporary hit points are equal to your Constitution modifier + your proficiency bonus + your fighter level.  

Limbering Ration.

Prerequisite 7th level (duration, 1 minute)
When consumed, this ration enhanced the muscles of the adventurer. Their speed is increased by 10 ft.
Improved Ration: Their speed is increased by 20 ft.  

Rejuvenating Ration.

Prerequisite 15th level (duration, instantaneous)
When consumed, this ration stretches the adventurer beyond his normal limits. They immediately gain the effects of a short rest and two levels of exhaustion. After consuming this ration, a creature cannot consume another ration until they complete a long rest.  

Satisfying Ration.

(duration, instantaneous)
When consumed, this ration allows the adventurer to get the most out of any respite. They have advantage on any hit die rolls during their next short rest.
Improved Ration: When consumed treat all hit die as their maximum roll during the next short rest.  

Tenacious Ration.

Prerequisite 9th level (duration, 1 minute)
When consumed, this ration increases the adventurer's grit. They are immune to either the charmed, frightened, or paralyzed conditions.
Improved Ration: Effect duration increases to one hour.  

Thickening Ration.

Prerequisite 5th level (duration, 1 minute)
When consumed, this ration causes the adventurer's skin to thicken enough to deflect some blows. They gain resistance to your choice of bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage.
Improved Ration: the adventurer gains resistance to two of the damage types of your choice  

Warding Ration.

Prerequisite 9th level (duration, 1 minute)
When consumed, this ration wards the adventurer's body. They gain resistance to your choice of force, necrotic, psychic, or radiant damage.
Improved Ration: Effect duration increases to 1 hour.


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