BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Recruit Guide and Explanation

Recruit Categories

Adventurers - Admired by many and the topic of countless songs and stories, adventurers can be found in nearly every town and city across the world. Adventurers have many motivations but most become adventurers for fame, money, their own ideals, or the adventure itself. They are known to take a wide number of jobs from slaying monsters to gathering rare ingredients to exploring uncovered ruins and dungeons.   Mercenaries - Unlike adventurers or monster hunters, mercenaries' primary motivation is coin. Most mercenaries will accept any job provided there is enough money involved, morals are damned. The jobs that mercenaries take are generally longer jobs such as bodyguard work, security jobs, and working as personal soldiers.   Monster Hunters - Fewer in number than the other two, what monster hunters lack in numbers they make up for in ability and motivation. Most monster hunters are more driven by their desire to kill the many monsters that plague civilization. While pay is a minor factor in the jobs they pick they mostly go after jobs where the target is a monster that has been terrorizing or killing the innocents.   Supporters - Behind every successful adventuring company is a good team of supporters. From blacksmiths to take care of weapons and armor, to cooks to ensure everyone is fed, or even cleaning and administrative staff to look after the headquarters, supporters are a key part of an adventuring company. Given the mobile nature of the company you want to build, all of the recommended candidates have some training and can join parties or aid in fights if needed. It is recommended that at least your head supporter be someone that has some training to help keep the others in line. Additionally Riven recommends a large initial offer for Supporters followed by some kind of wage since they will not be able to benefit from the rewards of quests directly. [DM Note - training referring to actually having a class/levels. This category of supporters refers to the supports of the company and not a supporter in a party.]   Criminals - Though not recommended to hire, criminals often have certain skill sets or perspectives that might be useful to an adventuring company. That aside almost all of them come with more baggage than the average member from one of the other categories and you may be required to pay off governments/organizations to stop chasing them or pay their way out of jail. All of the recommended criminals come with an explanation from Riven as to why they are included in the possible recruits.   Explorers and Treasure Hunters - Unlike the other categories, explorers and treasure hunters are more independent people. While most of them have some form of training, they rarely go out looking for combat. Instead, they are driven by the need to discover and recover. The Known World is full of places long unexplored, ruins, forgotten treasures guarded by traps and so much more. These few are the ones that bring it all back into the light. They make great scouts, are often good at dealing with traps, and normally knowledgeable about history or certain fields. [DM Note - training referring to actually having a class/levels]  


Riven's Initial Offer - What Riven recommends as you should offer them. This amount is not guaranteed to succeed and you are free to offer more or less as you see fit. This offer may change if he receives more information.   Information Guild - The cost of an investigation from an information Guild. They will look into the recruit and tell you what they uncover, which rumors are true or not and give you an idea of the personality.   Travel - Not all recruits are in Ellcria. Some may require additional fees for transportation to where you are.


Reputation - The known information on the recruit. Generally,   Rumors - The collection of rumors that Riven has heard or was able to gather on the recruit.   Party/Company - The current employers or the party they are a member of if any


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