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Exhibition Shooter

When you take this archetype at 3rd level, you exceed a common archer or triggerman and enter the realm of entertainment. When you take this archetype at third level, you learn two of the following trickshots. They can only be used with ranged or thrown weapons, and only one trickshot can be used on a single attack roll. Thrice per short rest when you use a trickshot, you can grant up to 6 creatures that can see and hear you temporary hit points equal to half your fighter level.   Barrage. You can use your action to attack all creatures within 5 ft of a point within range.   Close Quarters. Attacking within 5 feet doesn't impose disadvantage, and you can use your weapons and ammmo as melee weapons that you are proficient in. Weapons deal 1d8 bludgeoning damage. Arrows and bolts are light and deal 1d4 piercing damage.   Doubled Up. You can expend two weapons or pieces of ammunition on an attack. The attack cannot exceed ½ its normal range but if it hits it deals an additional damage die.   Hairtrigger. When you have advantage on attack rolls on your turn you can forgo it to make an additional attack as a bonus action.   Heavy Impact. When you hit a huge or smaller creature with you can push them 5 feet away from you.
  Richochet. When you hit a creature with a weapon attack you can make a second attack against a creature within 30 feet of the original. This attack's damage is halved.   Sniper. The standard and long ranges of your weapons increase by 15 feet, you can Search as a bonus action, and you can sacrifice all of your movement to gain advantage on the first attack you make that turn.   Quickdraw. You add your proficiency bonus to initiative rolls. You can draw a weapon and make a single attack with advantage when initiative is rolled.   Thread the Needle. When you hit an enemy through cover, you regain one use of Exhibition Shooter. You must suffer to hit penalties from cover, even if you have a feature negating it.


At 7th level, you can add your attack bonus to Charisma checks while you are wielding a ranged or thrown weapon. If you make an attack against an object or creature that the target of your Performance check can see, you gain advantage on the roll.   When you hit a creature with a ranged weapon attack and the roll equals its AC, you can use a bonus action to give one creature that can see and hear you within 30 feet advantage on the first ability check it makes during their its turn.

Additional Trickshots

At 10th level, you gain a third trickshot. You learn a fourth trickshot at 17th level.  

Twain Arrow

Beginning at 15th level when you or another creature that you can see with are attacked by a ranged or thrown weapon, you can use your reaction to deflect their projectile with a shot. Make an attack roll. If your roll matches or exceeds the enemy's, the attack misses.


At 17th level, your aim is devastating and you can target vital areas to take an enemy out of the fight more quickly. When you reduce an enemy to a number of hit points less than your fighter level with a ranged weapon attack, that target is immediately reduced to 0 hit points instead.


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