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Rogues who embody this archetype are arcane skulkers, hiding in the shadows waiting to seize the essence of their victims. While most bandits and spies may learn how to decieve, you quite literally become deception, taking on the memories and traits of your targets.

Arcane Nature

When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency in the Arcana skill if you don’t already have it. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check you make that uses that proficiency.


At 3rd level, you learn how to siphon energy and memories from others. As an action, you can touch a humanoid and choose to either copy or steal their proficiencies. You choose one langauge, skill, or tool proficiency from your target and are considered proficient in it for ten minutes.
Stolen proficiencies cause the target to lose the chosen proficiency for one minute, whereas copied proficiencies do not cause the target to lose their proficiency.
You can only absorb one proficiency at a time, replacing the first absorbed proficiency with each subsequent use of this feature. However, at 9th level you can absorb 2 proficiencies at once or seperately, 3 at 13th level, and 4 at 17th level.


At 9th level, when using your Absorption feature, you can choose to take on the appearance of your target, though none of your statistics change. You can't take on the visage of a creature of a different size than you, and your basic shape stays the same; if you're bipedal, you can't use this feature to become quadrupedal, for instance. You stay in the new form until you use revert to your true form (no action required), ten minutes pass, or until you die.
A DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check reveals that your appearance is a mirror. If the creature making the check is familiar with the humanoid you Mirrored, it gains advantage on the check.


Starting at 13th level, you can expunge the energy and memories of creatures you have taken from. As a part of an attack action, you can recklessly expell any proficiencies you have absorbed, gaining advantage on the attack as wayward arcana scrambles your target's thoughts.
For each proficiency expelled past the first, you add an additional 1d6 to your Sneak Attack Feature. For example, if you expell 3 absorbed proficiencies, you add 2d6 to your Sneak Attack damage.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 1) before regaining the use on a long rest.


At 17th level, when using your Absorption and Mirrored features, you can absorb a racial trait from a humanoid. The mimicked racial trait cannot be an ability score increase, age, alignment, nor size. For example, you can copy an Aarakocra's innate flying speed, or a Drow's Darkvision. A copied racial trait lasts for ten minutes, whereas a stolen racial trait causes the target to permanently lose access to the chosen trait until you use this feature to steal another racial trait.
You must complete a long rest to regain the use of this feature.

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