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There are many names for this particular set of skills, but those in the know refer to its practitioners as Sliders. Graced with supernatural power from their lineage or through a ritual passed down between fellow Sliders, they are able to ignore the friction generated by almost any surfaces and contort their body with inhuman flexibility, their elegance and speed allow them to perform twisted maneuvers across the battlefield, or access places they probably shouldn't. A marvel to behold, and a devil to catch. At their peak, they are a whirlwind of trouble that leave their foes lying humiliated in their dust.  

Alter Inertia

At 3rd level, when you drop or land prone, you can immediately move up to half your speed. You can use this feature only once per turn. Additionally, while prone, you can slide at your full speed instead of crawling

Slider Style

Starting at 3rd level, friction seems to be a mere memory for you. You no longer have disadvantage on melee attacks as a result of being prone, you have advantage on Dexterity checks made to avoid or escape being grappled, and you can move through the spaces of creatures regardless of their size.

Living Elastic

Beginning at 9th level, you suffer none of the penalties of squeezing into a smaller space. Also, you can jump as if you were on foot even while prone.

Escape Velocity

At 13th level, while prone you can move along vertical surfaces without falling during the move and you ignore nonmagical difficult terrain.

Mark of the Slider

At 17th level, you can impart a modicum of your friction defying abilities to creatures you touch, albeit with none of the control. When you touch a creature, or hit it with a melee attack, you can force it to make a Constitution saving throw (DC equal to 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Dexterity modifier).   On a failure, the creature is knocked prone. Until the end of its next turn, the creature cannot stand up, crawling costs 2 extra feet instead of 1, and it has disadvantage on all Strength and Dexterity checks.

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