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Snowfall Specter

You heard the legends when you were young. The whispers in the night. The blood on fresh snow. The terror of the frozen dark. There were many horrors that lurked in the Long Dark, and many secrets as well. Snowfall Specter's have learned these secrets and heard these whispers, and they use them to wield the Long Dark against their foes. The Long Dark imbues them with the ability to terrify their foes with glimpses of the horrors that lurk within it, and their foes fall before them like snow flakes in a blizzard.

Bonus Proficiencies

when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain proficiency and expertise in Intimidation.

Specters in the Snow

Starting at 3rd level, you learn how to wield the power of the Long Dark against your foes. This gives you the ability to use the bonus action granted by your Cunning Action to create two additional magical effects. First, a Snowfall Specter may use their Cunning Action to create a 5-foot square area of snowfall within 20 feet. This area of snowfall is lightly obscured and lasts for 3 rounds. Second, you gain the ability to use your Cunning Action to magically make your visage terrifying for the blink of an eye, attempting to terrify one creature within 15 feet. You make Charisma (Intimidation) check contested by your target's Wisdom (Insight) check. If your check succeeds, the target is Frightened by you until the end of your next turn.
Additionally, you gain the ability to ignore the effects of any magical Snow you create with Snowfall Specter features whenever it is beneficial to you, you gain the ability to treat any slightly obscured areas created by Snowfall Specter features as heavily obscured areas for the purposes of being able to enter stealth, and you gain the ability to sneak attack any Frightened creature as long as you do not have disadvantage on the attack.

Blizzard of the Banshee

At 9th level, you gain the ability to rend the day and leave swaths of the Long Dark behind. A number of times per short rest equal to your Charisma modifier, you may create a 15 foot radius burst of your choice of heaps of magical Snowdrift or magical Snowfall when you sneak attack a creature. Snowdrifts created in this way are difficult terrain and areas of Snowfall created in this way count as Lightly obscured. Both of these effects last for 1 minute and are centered on the target of the triggering sneak attack.

Lost in the Drifts

At 13th level, you learn how to slip through the Long Dark as easily as you slip through the snow. Whenever you hit a Frightened creature with a sneak attack, or sneak attack a creature while in a space obscured by a Snowfall Specter feature, you may teleport up to 15 feet as a free action, or up to 30 feet if the endpoint of the teleportation is a square of concealment created by a Snowfall Specter feature. Additionally, areas of concealment created by your Cunning Actions last 1 minute, and Frightened conditions caused by your Cunning Actions last 3 rounds.

Winter Reaper

At 17th level, you begin to truly embody the Long Dark and all it's terror. Once per turn when you make a sneak attack, a Piercing Wail washes over all enemies within 15 feet. Make a single Charisma (Intimidation) check, contested by all affected creatures with a Wisdom (Insight) check. Each creature you succeed against who was not already Frightened by you is Frightened by you for 1 round. If you successfully Frighten at least 1 creature this way then you may make an additional sneak attack this turn, as long as the target of this additional sneak attack has not already been targeted by a sneak attack this turn and is currently Frightened by you.

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