BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


There are many assassins, spies, and tricksters throughout the endless planes who take on the motif of a spider as their symbol, but you are one of the few for whom this symbol is truly accurate. You’ve learned your craft from the Weaver of Lies itself, an ancient creature spawned when the gods first deceived one another and the mortals they surveyed. Deities that hold sway over the crawling creatures of the dark and guilds of assassins and spies may grant powers such as these, but no matter the origin, you will take these forbidden techniques to your grave. Cloaked in the faces of others and bearing the deadly toxins of your teacher, you crawl along the shadows at the edges of the world, hunting for secrets and spinning webs of treachery.

Tools of the Traitor

Whenever you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you discover the secrets hidden in truth and falsehood. You gain proficiency in the Deception skill and with nets.   You can weave webs from your fingertips at will, crafting a false face from magical spider silk. This acts as a disguise kit which you are considered proficient with.   Additionally, you can use a bonus action to weave your webbing into a sticky 50-foot silk rope with adhesive grapple or into a net. This web net has a range of 15/30 and has additional hit points equal to your rogue level. You can only have one such rope or net, called a web construct, at a time. Creating a second web construct destroys the first one.

Arachnid’s Fang

Also at 3rd level, your blades whisper with toxins and lies. Whenever you use your Sneak Attack feature, you can choose to change the damage type of your attack to poison. Whenever you hit a creature that is restrained and change the damage type using this feature, the target suffers disadvantage on Strength checks until the start of your next turn.

Subtle Stride

At 9th level, you learn the talents of your mentor’s small arachnid slaves, and take their hidden power for your own. You can move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside down along ceilings while leaving your hands free, you gain a climbing speed equal to your walking speed, and you’re immune to webbing and webs created by the web spell.

Twitch on the Web

At 13th level, your words and deeds ensnare others, dragging them into your dark parlor. You can now throw a net as a bonus action, and this does not prevent you from making additional attacks. Invisibly thin strands of spider silk connect your web construct nets to your body, allowing you to drag a creature restrained by your net up to 30 feet directly towards you, possibly holding them suspended in the air, by using an action to make a Strength (Athletics) check contested by the target’s Strength (Athletics) check. If you succeed, the target is dragged and either knocked prone or held suspended in the air below you. If you fail, your web construct net is destroyed and the target is freed.   Your movement speed is halved while suspending a creature, and when you move horizontally while holding it, you can have it move with you or fall to the ground. If you teleport, the target automatically falls to the ground and is no longer suspended.   You can now have a number of rope or net web constructs equal to your Charisma modifier, minimum one. You also count as one size larger when determining how much you can lift and carry, and for the purposes of grappling.

Skittering Nightmare

At 17th level, your body has finally adapted to enable you to move with the eerie grace of the webbed ones. You can’t be knocked prone against your will. While you are prone, you can move at full speed as though standing, you do not have disadvantage on attack rolls, and attackers that are within 5 feet of you do not gain advantage on attacks against you.

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