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Though most common or garden footpads prefer to keep their larcenous activities as close to the ground as possible, you are a veritable expert at cartwheeling and bouncing around the place willy nilly. You’re usually ahead of the competition by leaps and bounds.

Jack Be Nimble

Starting at 3rd level, you no longer take falling damage, and you don’t become prone from falling unless you wish to.
Your jump distances are calculated on your Dexterity score and not your Strength score. You can execute a full standing high jump without needing to move beforehand.

Jack Be Quick

Starting at 3rd level, you gain a bonus to your initiative rolls equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Springheeled Jack

At 9th level, your leaping becomes supernaturally empowered. Your jump distances are tripled.

Jumping Jacks

Starting at 13th level, when you jump over an enemy creature as part of your move, that creature is unable to take attacks of opportunity against you for the rest of the round.

Jack Knife

At 17th level, you can transfer your redirected momentum into other creatures. When you avoid falling damage using your Jack be Nimble feature, you can store that damage before rolling it, and add it to the next amount of sneak attack damage you successfully execute before the end of your turn. Unused damage stored in this way vanishes at the end of your turn. You must finish a short rest before using this ability again.

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