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The Arcane Hive

Expanded Spell List

The hive within you lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Spell Level Spells
1st Bane, Ray of Sickness
2nd Animal Messenger, Web
3rd Clairvoyance, Haste
4th Giant Insect, Locate Creature
5th Awaken, Insect Plague

Interwoven Swarm

Starting at 1st level, your patron which dwells within you begins to actively consume your magic, and responds to you releasing it. When you cast a spell using a warlock spell slot, you may choose to allow some of the swarm within you to release for a short time. If you choose to do this, no action required, choose a location within 5 feet of you for the swarm to go as it leaves your body. If there is no open spaces within 5 feet of you, then the swarm is unable to release, and nothing happens.   The swarm has the statistics of a Swarm of Insects, with the following changes: It's hit points are instead equal to four times the level of the spell cast to release it, it gains a bonus to hit with attacks and to it's AC equal to the spell slot level used to release it, it gains the ability to speak telepathically with you regardless of what languages you know, and the damage it deals is considered magical for the purposes of overcoming resistances and immunities.   The swarm is simply that of minor drones, as the queen would never risk its safety by leaving your body. The swarms act on your initiative, but does not take it's turn unless you command it to. You may command all of your released swarms at once with a bonus action. Swarms stay released for one minute, or until they are reduced to 0 hit points.

Hive Casting

Upon reaching your 6th level you gain the ability to channel your magic through your swarms as you grow more magically in tune with the hive that dwells within you. When you cast a spell with a range of self, all of your swarms are also considered to be under the effects that spell. Additionally, when you cast a spell with a range of touch, you may deliver it through a swarm as though it cast it.

Unified Protection

Once you have reached 10th level, your swarms gain the ability to intervene with effects that would harm you when they are nearby. When you would be hit by an attack and have one of your swarms within 5 feet of you, you may choose to use your reaction to have the swarm become the target of the attack instead of you.

Magic Eater

Upon reaching 14th level, you and your swarms become imbued with the ability to eat magic that the hive that lives within you uses to survive. When you or your swarm hit a creature with a weapon attack, if that creature has any spell slots, they must make a constitution saving throw against your spellcasting DC. If they fail, they lose their lowest level unexpended spell slot as if it had been expended. In addition to this, if you have at least two swarms released, you may use your action to cast the spell dispel magic without expending a spell slot.


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