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The Crimson Malifact

The Crimson Malifact is not an entity that can be seen or touched nor is it communicated with by words. Instead, it is a form of a symbiotic curse that seeks out those who seek to commit bloodshed. It appears before them in a pool of blood and offers to give them power unlike they have ever seen. With its power, the host can control his own blood and the spilled blood of his enemies as easily as they could wave their hands. They control the flow of the red liquid as an aquamancer might control the water. However, the power given by the Malifact is far more sinister as the only thing it asks in return is the blood spilled with the power that it offers it's host.  

Expanded spell list

The Crimson Malifact lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Crimson Malifact spell list
Spell level  Spells
1st  sleep, command
2nd  lesser restoration, blindness/deafness
3rd  bestow curse, slow
4th  control water, stone skin
5th  contagion, greater restoration

Blood Drops

Starting at 1st level when you choose this patron, you gain the ability to control blood and form Blood drops, which are large amounts of blood that you control telepathically. You gain a blood drop whenever you deal damage to a small or larger creature with a spell or attack. Alternatively, on your turn, you can reduce your maximum health by 1d6 in order to gain one blood drop(no action required). You can only control a number of blood drops equal to your charisma modifier (minimum 1).   While you have blood drops, you can use an action to make a melee spell attack with them. The attack has a reach of 20 feet, and deals 1d6 slashing damage for each blood drop you are controlling. The damage die used for blood drops increases to 1d8 at 7th level, then to 1d10 at 14th level.   You cannot gain blood drops from creatures that do not have blood, and each blood drop is consumed by your patron an hour after you gain it. Your hit point maximum also returns to normal when this happens if you reduced it with this feature.

Blood binding

Starting at 6th level, you can use blood drops to control creatures bodies from the inside. Whenever you hit a large or smaller creature with your blood drops, you can inject any number of them into the target. While the drops are injected, you can spend an action to begin concentrating on controlling the blood.   While you are concentrating, any creature with blood drops injected into them must make a Constitution saving throw at the start of their turn or suffer a number of effects based on how many blood drops were injected into them. These effects are cumulative and last until the start of their next turn.
2 drops: Their speed is halved.
3 drops: They have disadvantage on all strength and dexterity checks and saving throws.
4 drops: They can only make one attack on their turn, even if they would otherwise make more.
5 drops: The creature is paralyzed.
Each injected blood drop still counts towards the number of blood drops you can control. Huge and Gargantuan creatures treat the number of blood drops injected into them as one less and two less respectively. This feature does work on constructs and undead, but not on incorporeal or gaseous enemies such as shadows or ire elementals.

Eldritch Clotting

Starting at 10th level, whenever you take damage from a melee weapon attack, you can use your reaction to cause the blood in your wound to grab the enemies weapon and pin it to a surface within 5 feet of you. The creature must then make a Strength check against your spell save DC or it cannot use that weapon again until the start its next turn where it must make the check again.   If the weapon is a part of the creature's body, such as a fist, its speed is reduced to zero until it makes the save.

Sanguinary Puppets

Starting at 14th level, the number of blood drops you can control increases by 2. Additionally, whenever a large or smaller creature dies while it is injected with at least two blood drop, and it leaves a relatively intact body, it remains in the initiative order. However, on its turn, it stands back up and you control them. You can have it perform any actions you've seen it perform, or know it can perform. However, it cannot cast spells. A creature resurrected this way doesn't take damage but it can be destroyed if an attack or other damaging effect would otherwise obliterate their body beyond functionality.   Addtionally, it can only perform a number of actions equal to the number of blood drops they were injected with when they died. After that, they fall apart and their bodies are no longer usable.


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