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The Drowned

Expanded Spell List

The Drowned lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Spell Level Spells
1st Fog Cloud, Thunderwave
2nd Detect Thoughts, Pass without Trace
3rd Call Lightning, Conjure Barrage
4th Black Tentacles, Ice Storm
5th Conjure Volley, Maelstrom

Water as Blood

At 1st level upon taking this patron, you become neither dead nor alive. You are immune to disease and poison, and rather than bleeding blood you bleed saltwater. You also appear to be constantly damp. Once per day you must perform a long submergence in at least two feet of water to replenish your body. For every day you do not submerge, your Constitution stat will decrease by one.
  You also gain the spell Waterwalk as an innate ability and cannot drown. Your swim speed is double that of your walking speed, and you do not consider water difficult terrain.

Part of the Crew, Part of the Ship

At 6th level, the hypnotic power and crushing force of the ocean’s grasp allows you to manipulate others. As an action, you may possess up to 1d4 nearby humanoids whose level is half of yours for one minute. Each round they are under your control, they must make a Wisdom save – should they pass, they are free of your control but take 2d4 psychic damage. Should they fail, they take 3d4 psychic damage and gain 1 point of exhaustion.

Crew Overboard

At 10th level you are able to manipulate your surroundings and pass through them as if they were made of water. As an action, you become able to swim through your surroundings – i.e. diving into the floor and treating it as water, walking through stone, etc. – for one minute.
  You cannot be attacked, but cannot speak or hold solid items unless you choose to end your water wraith form. However, should you swim beneath an enemy they will fall into the floor up to two feet per 100 pounds they weigh. You may also hold a teammate and bring them into the water wraith form.

A Ghost Ship In The Night

At 14th level, you are able to all forth aid from your patron. Choose a point within 120 feet. A spectral galleon appears in the distance and rushes towards that spot, crashing upon spectral rocks, sending shattered boards and crashing waves outwards. Each creature within 60 feet of that point must make a Dexterity saving throw, taking 5d10 bludgeoning damage on a failed save and half as much on a successful one.
  Before the ship disappears, a spectral crew of 1d10 + Cha mod skeletons disembark and begin fighting. Roll initiative for the skeletons. On their turns, they spend their movement and actions fighting any creature that can see that is hostile to you. These skeletons remain for 1 minute, or until no hostile creatures remain. Once you've used this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.


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