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The Forbidden Graveyard

Expanded Spell List

The Forbidden Graveyard lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The above spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Forbidden Graveyard Expanded Spells
Spell Level  Spells
1st  inflict wounds, mend flesh*
2nd  see invisibility, suffer*
3rd  phantom steed, sending
4th  dark empowerment*, phantasmal killer
5th  hallow, legend lore

Rejection of the Crypt

At 1st level, your refusal to travel through the Gate of Souls has left a mark upon you that cannot be denied. You can add your Charisma modifier to death saving throws, and you gain immunity to effects that would reduce your maximum hit points. Whenever you inflict damage with a cantrip or weapon attack, your target only benefits half as much from effects that would cause it to recover hit points. This lasts until the start of your next turn.

Ghoulish Constitution

At 6th level, your flesh is filled with the icy chill of the grave. You can choose to allow attacks against you to hit. Whenever you are hit with a melee attack, you can use your reaction to steal life’s precious warmth from your attacker. When you do, you gain resistance to the damage that is dealt to you by this attack and the attacker takes cold damage equal to your warlock level. If the attacker is reduced to 0 hit points by this damage, you gain temporary hit points equal to your warlock level. You can use this feature twice, and these uses recover whenever you finish a short or long rest.

Keeper of Souls

At 10th level, your gain a measure of control over the spirits that dwell in the Graveyard. Whenever a hostile undead within 60 feet of you is reduced to 0 hit points, you gain temporary hit points equal to your warlock level. Also, you gain resistance to necrotic damage and immunity to effects   that would kill you instantly without dealing damage.

Everlasting Peace

At 14th level, your mind is freed from mortal concerns, and your body from the curse of decay. You no longer age, and cannot be magically aged. You become immune to the charmed and frightened conditions. Creatures attempting to attack or cast a spell targeting you must make a Charisma saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. If they fail, they cannot target you until the start of your next turn. Once a creature fails their save, they cannot fail again for 24 hours.

Traits of the Gravebound

  Warlocks who have walked the line between life and death and endured the trials of this mysterious place are known as gravebound, as their fate is tied to the inevitable passage of the soul into the beyond. Consider adding one or more of these traits when creating a warlock or after gaining knowledge of the Graveyard’s forbidden arts. d20 Trait
  • 1 You avoid walking over graves and corpses whenever possible.
  • 2 You occasionally forget to breathe.
  • 3 You sometimes sleepwalk, and awaken on bare earth.
  • 4 You have a strange affinity for carrion birds.
  • 5 You are overly-eager to discuss death and decay.
  • 6 You snap your fingers when you’re anxious.
  • 7 You talk to corpses and expect a response.
  • 8 You tend to twitch in an unnatural manner.
  • 9 Your shadow sometimes whispers in the voices of the dead.
  • 10 You appear skeletal and decayed in moonlight.
  • 11 Your skin is always cool to the touch.
  • 12 Your eyes are like those of a dead man.
  • 13 Your flesh doesn’t normally bleed when cut.
  • 14 Your heart beats only a few times per minute.
  • 15 Clothing or armor you wear for long periods of time loses its color, becoming either pale white or dark black.
  • 16 Your blood slowly becomes dust when exposed to air.
  • 17 Your hair becomes pale and grows at an unusually high rate.
  • 18 A scent of freshly-turned earth seems to follow you. 
  • 19 When you cast a spell, spectral forms can be seen hovering around you.
  • 20 Corpses twitch and shift while in your presence.


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