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The Great Bat

Expanded Spell List Camazotz lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Spell Level Spells
1st Bane, Tasha’s Hideous Laughter
2nd Blur, Misty Step
3rd Feign Death, Hypnotic Pattern
4th Dominate Beast, Hallucinatory Terrain
5th Cloudkill, Antilife Shell

Child of the Bat

At 1st level when you take this patron, you begin to slowly transform due to your connection with Camazotz. You gain a necrotic bite that deals 1 piercing damage, and allows you to regain 1d4 HP, along with retractable claws that deal 1d6 damage. You also develop the ability to perform echolocation, granting you blindsight for 30 feet as long as you can hear.

The Mouth of Xibalbá

At 1st level, you are entuned with the places of Camazotz’s lair in the Abyss – Xibalbá. Due to caverns, tunnels, and underground chambers being the natural dwelling place of Camazotz in Xibalbá – while in these places you gain advantage Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma checks. You also cannot be surprised while in these locations, and your echolocation expands to 60 feet. Also, you may spend an hour once per day to commune with Camazotz – in darkness – and discover the location of any caves or tunnels with in a five-mile radius of your location.

Take Wing

At 6th level, your transformation continues as large wings sprout from your bag, granting you a flying speed of 30 feet. Your claws now deal 1d8 damage, your necrotic bite 1d4 damage, and you regain 1d6 HP from the bite. Your echolocation range increases to 60 feet.   When flying, you produce no noise and are considered invisible as living shadows surround your body as long as you are at least 30 feet above a target. Your wings additionally grant you advantage when grappling a target.

His Bloody Grip

At 10th level, you may enter a blood rage that lasts for one minute or until you end it – the number of which you have per day based upon your level divided by your Constitution modifier. While in this rage, your bite and claws deal double damage, but you have disadvantage on all Wisdom, Intelligence, and Charisma saves. Any damage dealt to a target allows you to regain that damage as HP.   However, each round you are in the rage, you must make a Wisdom saving throw. If you pass, you continue to attack the targets you choose. If you fail, you lose control and attack anything within 5 feet of you. You must complete a long rest before using a blood rage.

The Thirst Is Sated

At 14th level, you gain a devastating strike: should an attack you deal reduce a target to a quarter health, you may perform Quench the Thirst. You may expend up to half your hit dice to deal as much damage as you latch onto the target and drain their blood once per day.   Once you have dealt damage, you gain disadvantage on all Constitution, Dexterity, and Strength saving throws and rolls as you are crippled. The target however has disadvantage on the same, and cannot regenerate or regain HP. You must complete a long rest before using this ability again.


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