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The Heart of All Magic

Expanded Spell List

1st-level Heart of All Magic Feature   The Heart of All Magic lets you choose from an expanded list of spells whenever you learn a Warlock spell. The following spells are added to the Warlock Spell List for you:  

Heart Expanded Spells

Spell Level Spells
1st Absorb Elements, Earth Tremor
2nd Aganazzar's Scorcher, Maximilian's Earthen Grasp
3rd Elemental Weapon, Life Transference
4th Wall of Fire, Ice Storm
5th Destructive Wave, Geas

Mark of Blood

1st-level Heart of All Magic Feature   At 1st level when you choose this patron (or rather, when it chooses you), you are visibly marked by the Heart's influence. Your right eye takes the appearance of a pool of jet black liquid. You also gain understanding of the latent magical power within blood. You may choose to cast any spell you know without expending a spell slot, instead sacrificing 10hp per level of the chosen spell. At 15th level, this decreases to 5hp per spell level.  

Persistence of Magic

1st-level Heart of All Magic Feature   Antari are notoriously difficult to kill. At 1st level, the Heart fortifies your own blood with its taint. You gain an additional +2 to your HP every time you level up. This bonus also applies retroactively. However, due to this, healing potions will not have any effect on you. Only healing spells and other magical enchantments can restore your HP.

Blood Commands

6th-level Heart of All Magic Feature   At 6th level, your knowledge of Blood and its magical language increases. The Heart grants you access to the following spells, which must be cast by sacrificing the correct amount of HP, along with the requisite verbal component:  

List of Commands

Verbal Command Spell Health Sacrificed
As Tascen Dimension Door, 4th lvl 15hp
As Anasae Dispel Magic, 3rd lvl 15hp
As Athera Plant Growth, 3rd lvl 10hp
As Hasari Healing Word, 3rd lvl [note: this will not work on yourself] 15hp
As Illumae Daylight, 3rd lvl 10hp
As Narahi Haste, 3rd lvl 10hp
As Staro Arcane Lock, 2nd lvl 10 hp
Casting the Blood Commands do not expend a spell slot, and the use of blood removes the need for any somatic or material components traditionally required by the spells, save for the drawing of blood. If you cannot draw blood or say the Blood Command out loud, you cannot cast these spells.

Forbidden Power

6th-level Heart of All Magic Feature   Starting at 6th level, when a target rolls a saving throw against a spell of yours that would charm or frighten it, the target has disadvantage.  

Sanguine Superiority

10th-level Heart of All Magic Feature   As your experience with the Blood Commands grows, so too does your repertoire. At 10th lvl, you gain access to further spells, again only castable via the correct HP sacrifice:  

Expanded Commands

Verbal Command Spell Health Sacrificed
As Osaro Darkness, 2nd lvl [does not require concentration] 15hp
As Isera Cone of Cold, 5th lvl [will freeze liquid when cast on it] 15hp
As Pyrata Fireball, 4th lvl 15hp

Ancient Perfection

16th-level Heart of All Magic Feature   The Heart of All Magic perfects your physical form. At 16th lvl, your veins visibly turn a bold black, as your blood is darkened with the weight of True Magic. The Blood Command As Tascen is improved, casting Teleportation Circle instead of Dimension Door. Additionally, you gain access to the last three Blood Commands.  

Final Commands

Verbal Command Spell Health Sacrificed
As Travars Plane Shift, 7th lvl 25hp
As Steno Shatter, 4th lvl [instantly breaks non-magical objects] 25hp
As Tosal Imprisonment, 9th lvl [Slumber only] 30 hp


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