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The Keeper of the Depths

Expanded Spell List

The Keeper of the Depths lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Keeper of the Depths Expanded Spells
Spell Level  Spells
1st  identify, sleep
2nd  locate object, zone of truth
3rd  crushing tide*, luring light*
4th  control water, sleepwalking*
5th  forgotten pain*, legend lore

Secrets of the Lost

Starting at 1st level, your patron visits you in your dreams, stealing fragments of your experiences in exchange for hidden knowledge. Whenever you finish a long rest, you gain proficiency in two skills, languages, or tools of your choice. You remain proficient in these until you finish another long rest, at which point you can choose new ones to replace them. Additionally, you gain a swim speed equal to your movement speed.

Sailor’s Nightmare

At 6th level, you learn to curse your enemies, using the weight of ethereal water to drag them into the sea’s embrace. As a bonus action, you can curse a creature that you can see within 60 feet of you for one minute. While the creature is afflicted by this curse, it cannot jump or fly, and it treats all terrain as difficult terrain. If the creature is flying or swimming, it automatically descends 60 feet at the start of each of its turns. It can use an action to make a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC, ending the curse on a success. Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Madness of the Deep

At 10th level, the Keeper’s gaze looms over you. Whenever you take damage, you can use a reaction to unleash a wave of black ink to cloud the air in a 10-foot radius of your current location for one minute, heavily obscuring the area. Hostile creatures that end their turn within the area must make a Wisdom saving throw against your warlock spell save DC. If they fail, they are frightened until the start of your next turn, and must attempt to escape the cloud.   Once you use this feature, you can’t do so again until you finish a short or long rest.

Hunger for Knowledge

Starting at 14th level, you can summon the terrible maw of the Keeper to appear before you as an action. A massive beak surrounded by tentacles appears and attempts to grab a target of your choice within 30 feet. When a creature is targeted, it must make a Strength saving throw against your warlock spell save DC to shake off the grasp of the horror. If the target fails, it is dragged into the beak and bitten, taking 6d10 piercing damage and 6d10 psychic damage. If this is enough to reduce the target to 0 hit points, you can choose to have them be swallowed whole by the mouth, consuming them. Either way, the maw then immediately disappears.   Once you summon this maw, you cannot do so again until you finish a long rest.   If the maw consumes a creature using this feature, your patron visits you in your dreams during your next long rest and grants you a boon in return for the sacrifice. Choose any spell of 5th level or lower from the warlock or wizard spell lists. You can cast this spell twice using a warlock spell slot, after which it is lost. The spell is also lost if you sacrifice a new creature and select a new spell using this feature.

Traits of the Dweller

  The Keeper takes more than just restful sleep; it steals humanity and one’s own sense of self as well. Consider adding one or more of these traits when creating a warlock or after serving the goals of the Keeper of the Depths. d20 Trait
  • 1 You often inquire about the dreams of others.
  • 2 You insist on going to bed early every night.
  • 3 You sometimes talk in your sleep, whispering terrible secrets about things unknown to you.
  • 4 You are extremely interested in the secrets of other people, especially those no one else knows.
  • 5 You always listen with complete focus when being taught something.
  • 6 You move in a way that is somehow... wrong.
  • 7 You speak to bodies of water and expect a response.
  • 8 You tend to blabber on and on.
  • 9 You sometimes ask personal questions instead of offering greetings.
  • 10 You appear oddly wet at all times, even when dry.
  • 11 Your skin becomes rubbery and cold. 
  • 12 Your pupils are oddly shaped, like those of an octopus.
  • 13 Your fingernails have disappeared.
  • 14 Your heartbeat can’t be felt, only heard.
  • 15 Clothing or armor you wear for long periods of time assumes the appearance of coral or seaweed.
  • 16 Your blood slowly becomes saltwater when exposed to air and smells like dead fish.
  • 17 Your hair is always wet and discolored.
  • 18 A scent of ocean air seems to follow you.
  • 19 When you cast a spell, dark tentacles seem to reach up from under your skin before disappearing.
  • 20 Chitinous barbs sprout from you skin, and seem to easily collect scraps of clothing and plants.


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