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The Monolith

Expanded Spell List

The Monolith lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.
Spell Level Spells
1st identify, magic missile
2nd augury, nystul's magic aura
3rd clairvoyance, glyph of warding
4th divination, Mordenkainen's private sanctum
5th commune, wall of force

Studies of the Obelisk

Starting at 1st level, the Monolith gifts to you new knowledge, and presents favor to the most intelligent. Your spellcasting ability score for warlock spells is Intelligence, and you can cast a warlock spell as ritual if that spell has the ritual tag and you know the spell. Warlock spells you cast as rituals using this feature take an extra 5 minutes to cast the spell rather than 10 minutes.
  At 11th level, warlock spells you cast as rituals take only 1 extra minute to cast instead of 5 or 10 minutes.

Spell Ward

At 6th level, when you are forced to make a saving throw against a spell or magical effect, you can use your reaction to give yourself advantage on that saving throw. If you succeed the saving throw, you take no effect from the spell.
  Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Reinforced Arcana

Starting at 10th level, the Monolith sturdies your magic, making spells you produce more difficult to dispel. If a creature attempts to dispel or interrupt a warlock spell of yours, such as with counterspell or dispel magic, the creature must make an ability check using their spellcasting ability no matter the level it cast the spell at. The DC equals 10 + your spell's level, and if it succeeds your spell ends. If the creature was going to make this check already, it instead makes its spellcasting ability check with disadvantage.

Guardian's Pulse

At 14th level, the Monolith extends to you a portion of his guardians' power. Once per day, you can create either an antimagic aura or a destructive wave as an action:
  The antimagic aura forms a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on yourself to ward magic. Spells and other magical effects that target a creature or object within the sphere have no effect on the creature, and the area of effects of spells or magical effects cannot extend into the sphere, with the parts of the area that are covered by the sphere being suppressed. Spells can be cast from within the sphere. The aura lasts for 30 seconds, and requires your concentration to maintain.
  The destructive wave bursts a 15-foot-radius sphere of raw arcane energy from your body. All creatures within the radius excluding yourself must make a Constitution saving throw against your spell save DC or take 10d6 force damage and be blinded and deafened for 1 minute. Creatures that succeed the saving throw are not blinded nor deafened and take half damage. A creature blinded and deafened in this manner may reroll the save at the end of their turn, ending the effects on a success.
  Once you use this feature, you can't use it again until you finish a long rest.


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