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The Monstrosity

1d8  Monstrous Mark
Your head has long, curled horns that end in spikes.
Your teeth are sharpened and serrated, like a shark’s.
Your eyes have vertical irises in an all-green sclera.
The bones in your arms and legs are too long, and you stoop when you walk.
You are exceptionally quick to anger, and snarl when you talk.
Your skin is rough, coated in scales or leathery warts.
You always feel hungry for exceptionally raw meat.
You unthinkingly, deliberately destroy objects.
Spell Level  Spells
1st  earth tremor, thunderwave
2nd  Aganazzar's scorcher*, enlarge/reduce
3rd  erupting earth*, tidal wave*
4th  locate creature, stoneskin
5th  destructive wave, flame strike

Destructive Potential

Beginning at 1st level, you carry the destructive power of your patron within all that you do. Any of your spells or attacks deal double damage to structures and objects that are not worn or carried by a creature, and damage you deal ignores any damage thresholds that especially large objects (such as city walls or nautical vessels) may have.

Monstrous Roar

At 6th level, you can release the primal fury of your patron in a single, terrifying roar. As a bonus action or as a reaction when you are the target of an attack, you may bellow out a horrifying roar that rattles your opponents. Any hostile creatures that can hear you within 15 feet of you must make a Wisdom saving throw against your spell save DC. A creature that fails this saving throw is frightened of you until the end of your next turn.   If you used this ability as a reaction, the creature that targeted you with an attack must also make this saving throw, even if they are further from you than 15 feet. If this creature fails and becomes frightened of you, that condition then confers disadvantage on the triggering attack roll against you. After you use this ability, you must complete a short or long rest before you may use it again.

Unstoppable Rage

Starting at 10th level, the rage of your patron pushes you onward, making you an unstoppable force of destruction. When you are in your normal form and would be reduced to 0 hit points, you may use your reaction to regain a number of hit points equal to your warlock level. Once you use this ability, you require a short or long rest before you may do so again.

Spawn of the Monstrosity

Once you reach 14th level, you can allow the might and fury of your patron to overwhelm your physical form, causing a horrifying transformation into a gigantic monster in their likeness.   You can use an action on your turn to undergo the transformation, which lasts for one minute, until you end it with another action, or until your new form reaches 0 hit points. For the duration, you replace all of your statistics with those of a monstrosity spawn, listed here. You are unable to speak while within this form, but you may still use your warlock spell slots to cast spells found on the Monstrosity expanded spell list, using your normal form’s statistics for the purposes of casting those spells.   When you transform, choose whether any equipment and items you are holding or wearing become a part of this new form (vanishing from view), or drop to the ground at your feet. If you are in an area that is not big enough to contain your new form and that would not be immediately destroyed as a result of your transformation, this ability fails to function, expending the action you used, but not your usage of this ability.   When you revert to your normal form, you return to the number of hit points you had before you transformed. If you revert as a result of dropping to 0 hit points, any excess damage carries over to your normal form.   Once you use this ability, you require a long rest before you may use it again.


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