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The Ocean's Chorus

Expanded Spell List The Ocean's Chorus allows you to choose from an expanded list of spells whenever you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to your spell list:
Spell Level Spells
1st Identify, Detect Magic
2nd Arcanist's Magic Aura, Augury
3rd Tongues, Clairvoyance
4th Divination, Arcane Eye
5th Contact Other Plane, Telepathic Bond

Bonus Cantrips

At 1st level, you gain guidance and true strike as cantrips. These count as warlock cantrips, but do not count against your number of cantrips known.

Dowsing Rod

At 1st level, your divination resists interruption by outside forces. You have advantage on Concentration checks while casting spells from the Divination school, and the duration of your Divination spells is doubled.

Augur's Aegis

At 6th level, the Chorus lets you peer into te future to avoid misfortune. When you make an ability check or saving throw, you may add a d10 to the roll using this feature. You can do so after seeing the initial roll but only before the effects resolve. After using this feature, you cannot use it again until you finish a short or long rest.

Mirror Mind

At 10th level, your patron shields your mind from the prying sight of others. You and all allies within 10 feet are constantly under the spell nondetection. Your thoughts cannot be read by any means, including that of creature's innate abilities.

Oracle's Gift

At 14th level, your clarity of vision cannot be gainsaid, you gain immunity to psychic damage, and are always under the effects of see invisibility. You are also immune to the Blinded condition.


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