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The Pale Legion

Expanded spell list

The Legion lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a warlock spell. The following spells are added to the warlock spell list for you.  
The Pale Legion spell list
Spell level  Spells
1st  inflict wounds, sanctuary
2nd  blur, enhance ability
3rd  revivify, spirit guardians
4th  guardian of faith, phantasmal killer
5th  legend lore, raise dead

Aura of the dead

Starting at 1st level, the souls of the dead can experience life again when they are close to you, though they are invisible to everyone. And though each soul is weak individually, you can use a bonus action gather them all around you, combining their power to create a spectral aura that reaches out to 15 feet around you.   Your aura is visible to everyone when in this state, and it gives you the following bene its:
  • Hostile creatures treat your aura as dif icult terrain.
  • You can use any spells or abilities that require you to make melee spell attack, or that have a range of touch, against any creature that is inside of, or adjacent to, your aura.
  • The aura remains acive even if you are incapacitated, but disapears if you die or you choose to end it as a bonus action.

Stories of the Dead

At 6th level, the thousands of souls that make up a legion contain vast amounts of experience with each soul having its own stories to tell and its own wisdom to share. Whenever you inish a long rest, you can choose up to three skills or tool sets of your choice. Until the end of your next long rest, you can add your charisma modiier to any rolls made using those skills or tools.

Corporeal legion

At 10th level, your growing bond with the legion allows them to become more and more corporeal, giving them the ability to physically touch the world around them. While your aura is active, you can interact with objects that are within your aura. To can do things as delicate as picking locks, or move things that weigh up to 100 lbs.   Additionally, whenever a hostile creature makes an attack against an allied creature that is inside your aura, they must roll a d4 and subtract the amount rolled from their attack as they are grappled and pulled at by the legion.

Legions rally

At 14th level, if your aura is active, you can use an action to call forth the souls of the living and the dead to stand at your side in battle. For the next minute, your aura extends out to 30ft around you. You can then choose up to ten creatures in your aura to gain temporary hit points equal to twice your warlock level. If a chosen creature is unconscious, it is restored to consciousness with 1 hitpoint before it is given the temporary hit points.   Once you use this feature, you can't do so again until you inish a long rest.


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