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The Slumbering God

Warlocks of Slumbering gods gain their power in an odd way. Through research and study, or by finding ruined ancient shrines, Warlocks of this pact uncover a Dead God and steal their power. Dead or Sleeping Gods are ancient deities who no longer have enough followers to sustain their Celestial consciousness, yet power remains in their body. These Warlocks have learned to harness this power. However this is not a one-way pact, the Slumbering God's subconscious finds purchase in the minds that the Warlock's magic interacts with. Spreading subtle belief and subconscious knowledge of itself, slowly returning it to life. Warlocks of the Slumbering God must tread carefully, lest they wake something that should have been kept dead.  

Expanded Spell List

The Slumbering God lets you choose from an expanded list of spells when you learn a Warlock spell. The following spells are added to the Warlock Spell list for you
Spell Level Spells
1st Sleep, Dissonant Whispers
2nd Blindness/Deafness, Calm Emotions
3rd Catnap, Speak with Dead
4th Death Ward, Greater Invisibility
5th Modify Memory, Awaken

Ancient Knowledge

Starting at 1st level you have gained great knowledge from the mind of the Slumbering God, you gain proficiency in the history skill. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability check for history. You may also use your Charisma bonus instead of Intelligence when making a history check.


At 1st level, you are attuned with the sleeping state of your patron. As an action, choose a creature you can see within 30ft, that creature must make a Wisdom saving throw (DC = warlock spell save) falling asleep for 1d4+1 turns on a failure, as if they were affected by the Sleep spell. On a success, they resist falling asleep. Undead and creatures that don't sleep aren't affected by this ability.   At level 14 Slumber uses a d6 instead of a d4.   Once you use this feature you can't use it again until you finish a long or short rest.

Sleeping Puppet

At 6th level, you can use an action to sense all sleeping creatures within 90ft of you. As part of this action, you may control a sleeping creature's body that you sensed. During this time you are blinded and deafened, you sense through the creature's body, and you must use your action on subsequent turns to control the creature. The control lasts for 1 minute whilst the creature remains asleep. The creature wakes up at the end of the minute or if they take damage.   Once you use this feature you can't use it again until you finish a long or short rest.


Starting at 10th level you gain absolute control over your own and others dreaming states. You gain resistance to psychic damage and creatures cannot magically disrupt your sleep or the sleep of allies within 10ft of you unless you allow them. Additionally, when you cast Dream it has the following additional effects:
  • The casting time is reduced to 1 action
  • You can slow the flow of time in the dream to 1/2 of the real-world time, effectively extending time in the dream world
  • If the target you're attempting to contact is awake, you can attempt to use Slumber on them
  • Creatures sensed through Sleeping Puppet become creatures 'known to you'
  • There are no word limit restrictions if you appear in a monstrous form
  • If the target suffers nightmares for the duration of their sleep, they also suffer from a point of exhaustion and take 8d8 psychic damage upon waking up
  • At 14th level, you can target the creature with your Dark Dreams feature

Dark Dreams

Starting at 14th level you've learned how to project images of creatures nightmares into their minds. As an action, choose a 20ft radius sphere within 60ft, all creatures in that area must make a Wisdom saving throw, creatures that are asleep make this roll, and subsequent rolls, with disadvantage.   On a failure, the creature is frightened of you and at the start of their turn, they take 2d8 psychic damage. Creatures can repeat the saving throw at the end of their turns to end this effect. On a success, they end Dark Dreams on themselves.   Dark Dreams lasts 1 minute or until the creature saves against it. Damage dealt in this way to sleeping target doesn't wake them. Sleeping creatures under the effect of Dark Dreams cannot be woken up.


Warlocks that draw power from a Slumbering God as often altered by the power they are channeling. Often displaying narcoleptic behaviors or struggle with insomnia and sometimes the traits below.
d6 Quirk
1 You talk, shift, and often walk in your sleep
2 Creatures that sleep near you remember dreams clearly
3 You float slightly when asleep
4 In times of calm, you inadvertently fall asleep sometimes
5 You have trouble sleeping, sleep is a bit frightening to you
6 Flashes of unknown memories appear in your mind occasionally


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