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Throughout all of the known world, few things are as dangerous as the creatures known as Titans. To the Dragons, they are known as the Arriods. To the Dwarves, they are known as the Orikin. To the Elves, they are known as the Aldne. Regardless of their name Titans are walking natural disasters that leave ruin in their wake.  


No matter who you ask, no living being would ever dare to claim to know the true origin of the Titans. Throughout the ages, thousands of scholars all over the known world have attempted to uncover the mystery of these creatures. While resulting in no real proof, many have come to the theory that Titans are actually warriors crafted by the gods themselves for the Great War of the Gods long ago, and now purposelessly wander the world waiting for their time to come once more.  

What Are They?

While this question cannot be fully answered there are a few known things about them that can help. Simply put, Titans are creatures of gigantic size, incredible strength or power, seemingly endless lifespans, and little regard for mortals. Other than their size, appearance-wise there seems to be very little similarity between Titans. There is a Titan that resembles a black three-headed lion with a serpent for its tail yet another that resembles a four-armed demon. There are some that appear humanoid and others that quite simply are impossible to describe.   Despite their size and power, Titans are not immortal just very difficult to kill. Often times taking entire armies, several saints or another Titan to bring a kill a Titan. News of a dead Titan often draws in huge crowds of people of all sorts. From scavengers and merchants looking to harvest the remains. Hunters and Adventurers looking to kill whatever monsters a Titan corpse draws out. Scholars looking to study what they can. It is not uncommon for makeshift villages to be built around or near a Titan's remains thanks to the number of people it draws in.  


Although they may differ in appearance there are several similarities between the Titans behaviorally. Perhaps one of the more important similarities is how they view mortals. Those who have the misfortune of coming across an active Titan may be comforted to find themselves disregarded. Unless provoked or starving it is very rare for Titans to target mortals. It does not mean however that a Titan will go out of its way to avoid killing mortals. In fact, the majority of those killed by Titans are often killed unintentionally or without the Titan's knowledge.   In terms of what Titans do hunt, when hungry they have often been seen hunting or eating Dragons, whales, other Titans, mammoths, Tarrasques, giants, purple worms and other huge and gargantuan creatures. It is this very reason that The Dwelling of Dragons became the continent it is today.   It is also known that Titans do not like each other. When two or more Titans come across one another it has always ended in conflict. What may be a simple brawl for them is a natural disaster of epic proportions for any mortals with 60 miles. Fighting between Titans can vary in time. Some battle for a week or two and then part ways or one is killed. Other cases are like the continent Eastoron, The ancestral homeland of the Minotaur. Four Titans crossed paths and stumbled upon a fifth lying dormant. The resulting battle has been ongoing for the past six generations with no sign of slowing down. and has left the Minotaurs homeless.

Active vs Inactive

  Active Titans are Titans that are awake and moving about. From roaming to fighting to eating. Even Titans doing things such as sitting and doing nothing counts as an Active Titan.   Inactive Titans are Titans that lie dormant and asleep. While an Active titan is incredibly dangerous, there are those who argue that an Inactive Titan is far worse. Entire cities and even nations have been destroyed upon finding out they built everything on top or in some cases literally right next to a dormant Titan. One of the five Titans that is battling on Eastoron was originally thought to be a volcano and one of the major Minotaur cities was built at its base. It is unknown how long a Titan can lay dormant or if there is even a limit on duration. Some Active Titans are said to have been dormant thousands of years.

Known Titans

Due to the difficulty of noticing Inactive Titans, the true number of Titans in the known world is a mystery. Below are the known Titans of the World and their last known location. The exact location of some is unknown due to the lack of those willing to follow and track Titans. For various reasons, not all known Titans have been given names.


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