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War Jester

Most rogues prefer the shadows to hide themselves. But a strange few known as war jesters thrive on attention and the distraction they can bring. They use a wide variety of strange and often theatrical tricks and elements to confuse an enemy, and leave openings for their allies to strike where the defenses have been distracted.

Jester First

At 3rd level, you know how to put on a brilliant performance that will keep all eyes on you. You gain proficiency in performance and deception if you do not have it already. Additionally, whenever you are performing, any creature that is watching you has a penalty to Wisdom(perception) checks equal to your charisma modifier.

Laughing Blade

At 3rd level, you know how to royally piss things off. Whenever you deal sneak attack damage to a creature with a melee attack, you can force the creature suffer disadvantage on all attacks not made agasint you until the end of its next turn. Additionally, the next attack against the creature not made by you has advantage until the start of your next turn.   If you use this feature on the same creature two or more times within the same day, they can attempt to make a DC 8 + your proficiency + your charisma modifier wisdom saving throw to resist the effects of this feature.

Trickster's Entrance

At 9th level, you learned sometimes angering everything you see is not the safest act. So you've now learned the litte bit of magic to help get you out of, or into, those nasty situations. As a bonus action, you disappear in a puff of smoke and gain the benefits of the invisibility spell until the start of your next turn.   You can use this feature a number times equal to your charisma modifier. Your regain all expended uses after you finish a long rest.

Dance of Daggers

At 13th level, you are quick with a joke and even quicker with a blade. You gain a special reaction that you can take on every creatures turn, except your turn. Whenever an ally attacks a creature with advantage and you are within your weapon's reach of the target creature, you can make melee weapon attack against the same creature. These extra attacks cannot deal sneak attack damage, and the weapon you use must have the light or finesse property.

Deadly Distraction

At 17th level, you really know how to make a good opening. Whenever you use your laughing blade feature against a creature, you mark them until the start of your next turn. Whenever an ally hits the marked creature while you are within 5 feet of it, you can use your reaction to cause the attack to become a critical hit. Once you use this feature on a creature, you cannot use it on the same creature again until you finish a long rest.

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