Arha Karash, The First Dragonslayer Character in The Wraith Globe | World Anvil
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Arha Karash, The First Dragonslayer

The Firedrake Queen

Written by CalofGearva

"If we look to what we imagine the future to be, there is no need to look to the past."
- Arha Katash, The First Dragonslayer
    Many eras of The Wraith Globe were dark, but none, past or present, were more abominable as The Tyranny of Dragons. The Dragonborn were rebuked and cast off the main continent, forced to experience and slow and strenuous death at sea. The remaining individuals were left to endure a terrible existence, hiding on the fringes of once-great cities, simply trying to find food for the night and not become food themselves. It seemed as if all hope was lost: The Finite Races would slowly fade off the great canvas of existence, forgotten by the artist of this great masterpiece forever... However, the death of one lowly maiden changed this disastrous turn of events. One young half-Orc girl, Arha Karash, became the drive behind the great sword that would inevitably pierce the fierce heart of the ferocious Dragonkind.

Mental characteristics


Arha was self-educated by her mother as they traveled from town to town, searching for a place to settle down after almost 30 years in an Orc town. A kind young man, Percival Everard, was living in a shelter that was protected from the ruin of the Dragonkind. Arha was then formally educated in a class of other children, but throughout her early life in the shelter, her surrounding taught her what a truly desperate state The Finite Races were in, and her unstoppable drive had something to say about this but was simply waiting for the right moment to speak...

Accomplishments & Achievements

The name of Katash will be sure to live on for centuries. Arha was most likely the sole purpose that The finite aces were not completely annihilated by the Dragonkind. She may have not been awarded any medals or given any speech like other famous warriors, but she was recognized by the people and became a figure of hope in every household and the eyes of every homeless child.

Mental Trauma

Arha's mother was always haunted by memories of her abusive father Scrag. It pained Arha to see her mother sweating and screaming at night, having visions of the familiar gaunt figure looming over her. Arha felt that she was not only making a bright future for everyone, but she thought that with that safety her mother's twisted past would fade like receding thorns, allowing rays of sunlight to streak back into Saadia's life.

Morality & Philosophy

All of Arha's beliefs can really be summed up in one phrase: "If we look to what we imagine the future to be, there is no need to look to the past." Arha was always believed to have been pointed toward the bright future she imagined for all the Finite Races, even The Dragonborn! She never once looked to her past, thinking that thing already gone would just hinder her vision of the future.

Personality Characteristics


Arha's life-long motivation is to provide a better and free future for her mother and all of The Finite Races. She is a very ideal-oriented person, so this is an understandable thing for a person of her nature.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

A legendary master of strategy and combat, extremely skilled with a large assortment of weapons, quite good at cooking, a legend at the art of wilderness survival and tracking.

Virtues & Personality perks

Driven, values-based, strong-willed, friendly to all of her allies.

Vices & Personality flaws

Arha believes that if you put enough muscle and work into something, no matter how incomprehensible a feat, you will succeed.

Personality Quirks

Bursts out laughing at random statements. Will literally try her hardest on absolutely everything put in front of her.


She is quite organized and, surprisingly enough, despises the sight of even a droplet of blood in her abode.

Wealth & Financial state

Arha was quite humble herself, giving all of the money she received to her mother, Saadia. Throughout her life, Arha was offered many objects by many different people, some of the most notable including...  
  • An enormous golden goblet encrusted with jewels, which Arha could use to drink dragon's blood from
  • A keep, complete with fortifications and soldiers to man the walls
  • An animated swordbearer, which stores the maiden's weapons, but can not be killed itself.
  However, Arha instead sold these items and gave all the proceeds to her mother so she could live comfortably all of her days.
Lawful Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Firedrake Queen, The First Dragonslayer, The Dragon Maiden, Etc...
707 PG 727 PG 20 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Her human mother, Saadia Katash, was forced to marry a wicked Orcish Chieftan, Scrag Katash. Scrag was an evil man, simply wanting Saadia for looks and his own pleasure. Arha was unwanted by Scrag, but Saadia and Ahra managed to escape Scrag.
An unnamed and undocumented Orc town. Arha never divulged where her hometown was to anyone except her mother, of course.
Current Residence
The field of Sagas, an ancient graveyard reserved for only the most legendary figures of The Finite Races.
Friendly but focused brown eyes. It always seemed as if her eyes were pointed to something far ahead of her...
Bright, flowing scarlet hair. It is said that Arha's hair in battle was like a bloody tide washing over all her foes.
6' 0"
137 Lbs.
Known Languages
Ahra and her mother, Saadia, mostly spoke common but did know bits and pieces of Orcish from living with Scrag and in an Orc town for so long.


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