The Allorack Item in The Wraith Globe | World Anvil
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The Allorack

The Khazanian Throwing Scimitar

"The Allorack is a beautifully designed weapon when seen in action almost seems impossible. Swinging and flying across the battlefield, an Allorack is a gliding shimmer of death itself."
Joan Sylvia - Great Khazanian Legionnaire
The Allorack is a classic Khazanian weapon. From crude stone-throwing scimitars to pure Bloodstone or dragonscale throwing scimitars, the Allorack is a weapon that can be found all through the northern desert nation. Formed in a perfect lightweight "J" curve to act as a sort of boomerang, this blade is a force to be reckoned with!

History of The Allorack

The Allorack was first developed by the first champions of Khazan , when the nation was first formed. The champions and defenders of Khazan had been having difficulty outranging their Burian foes' enormous great swords. The warriors of Khazan decided to solve this problem by forging a large assortment of throwing weapons, including throwing knives, spears, maces, and even hammers. Most of these variants of weapons are rarely or never used anymore, but The Allorack endured. Now, the Allorack is a staple weapon of the Khazanian military and what one thinks of when you say "Khazanian weapon".

Traditional Khazanian Allorack Duels

In Khazanian tradition, if two citizens have a disagreement and both consent to a tradition duel, they may fight for supremacy in the argument. Both contenders are to be armed with a traditional Allorack and put in a 25-foot by 25-foot arena. To win, one of the challengers must either incapacitate their opponent or force them to verbally surrender. This Khazanian tradition is quite old fashion and barely implemented anymore, but there is an occasional traditional duel from time to time throughout Khazan.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Forging an Allorack isa feat that takes both time and skill to complete. The "J" shaped curve of the blade of an Allorack must be perfectly forged and designed so that it can fly through the air like a boomerang. The lightest material for the blade and hilt available are usually chosen to forge an Allorack.


The Allorack is a staple weapon of the Khazanian military and what one thinks of when you say "Khazanian weapon". It was also one of the main throwing weapons developed by the first champions to combat the enormous greatswords of the Ban Rock Burian military. The Allorack is also the weapon for classic Khazanian duels, which are quite rare as of late in the Wraith Globe.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
The rarity of Alloracks as a whole are uncommon except in Khazan, where they are very common. Many small Khazanian weaponsmiths sell Alloracks in their inventory, and some Khazanian weaponsmith even specialize in the forging and selling of specialty Alloracks. These "specialty Alloracks" are quite rare and expensive, ranging from 1,000 to 6,000 Golden Tigers. The blades and hilts of these legendary weapons are formed from either the most lightweight or deadliest materials, making them some of the most powerful non-magical weapons of the entire Wraith Globe.
varies between 2 and 5 lbs.
The blade of an Allorack is generally between 25 and 36 inches long.
Base Price
Between 1 and 600 Gold Tigers, depending on material and craftsmanship
Raw materials & Components
An Allorack can be formed from many different materials, from a blade of crude stone to a blade of fine bloodstone or silver. The hilt of an Allorack is almost always a lightweight metal alloy to increase the scimitar's aerodynamics.
Just like the materials required to make an Allorack, the tools used to smith an Allorack depend on the material which the blade and hilt of the scimitar are made of.


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