The Ciùirdhainn - The Humans
The Ciùirdhainn, commonly known as the Humans or Ciùirds, are the most prominent Finite Race on the Material Plane. They can be found spread throughout all of the nations of The Material plane, and four of the thirteen major nations of The Material Plane have Ciùird rulers. They are a people that have adopted the cultures of others for thousands of years, so much so that they scarcely have a culture themselves. This especially goes for Ciùird residents of nations without a hierarchy primarily made up of Ciùird officials. There are also many sects and subcultures of the Ciùirdhainn for this reason as well, making naming and other traditions unique to each of these subcultures.
Shared customary codes and values
The opinions of others must be respected at all costs, as not to offend anyone.
Beauty Ideals
Very individualistic, based on individual opinion.
Gender Ideals
Very individualistic, based on individual opinion.
Courtship Ideals
Very individualistic, based on individual opinion.
Relationship Ideals
Very individualistic, based on individual opinion.