The Curse of World's End Condition in The Wraith Globe | World Anvil
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The Curse of World's End

Throughout the Wraith Globe and beyond, there is no place more unknown than the alleged The Far Realm. The Far realm is madness and chaos incarnate, even more so than Limbo, the outer plane of chaos. The Far Realm lies outside of the endless boundaries of Gearva, beyond the cascading Gearvian Falls and everything else known to the finite races. Great alien beasts even worse than the Tarrasque swim through this insane mind-boggling ocean of black. None have ever visited the Far Realm, and very few have ever even seen it. Visions of the Far Realm can kill the viewer or drive them mad. The only known way to consistently bring about a vision of the Far Realms is by drawing the Vision card from the Deck of Many Things. If the viewer is not killed or driven mad by a vision of The Far Realm, viewers usually have a sudden and overpowering urge to find the Far Realm. This desire is commonly called The Curse of World's End and has led to the creation of an order of "Far Realm hunters," referred to simply as the Brotherhood of the Void.


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