The Development of Hollow Mining in The Wraith Globe
Hollow Mining is a common method of mining used all throughout The Wraith Globe. It was a process that was originally developed in the age of Obron , after the entirety of The Material Plane was discovered by The Finite Races, and has continued to be used to the present day: 1383 Partum Globus. The process of Hollow Mining has quite a few steps, which all collectively go like this:
- Deep, thin holes are dug into the ground to sample what is within the earth. These holes should be about a foot in diameter and about 20 feet deep, while holes are set about 5 feet apart from each other.
- A Homunculus will be sent down each of these holes with a light to identify where the desired ores or minerals are.
- Each of the holes which seem to have a good yield will then be widened by 3 feet, to see if the veins are larger or smaller than average.
- If the veins seem large, the holes will be widened enough to be mined properly.
The Process of Mound Mining is quite complicated, but efficient for finding precious minerals and gemstones in large stretched of earth and stone.