Realm: Vas

DM: Steve

The Beginning


All races came into current form around the same time(evolution and thought processing wise). Magic was feral, wild and rampant. Only tribes at this point. towards the end tribes started to combine to share and save resources. The beginnings of some current day civilizations started there.


Civilization Starts


While many tribes started gathering together the largest and most organized of these was the Atropos Tribe on the continent of Kythe. The only one whos name is known now as well. Atropos became the name of their lands as well as their original city. The ruins of the original 'capital' are in the mountains in between the current capital of Candybod and the township of Shesterlis. Atropos quickly became a bastion of equality & freedom, where the worth of your actions was what you were judged by. Law & order prevailed but peace & freedom was widespread throughout the land.

The continent of Lis saw a different transition to the civilized era, here strong & ambitious people assumed control and claimed lands under their rule. Fuedal kingdoms sprang up across the continent warring and coexisting with each other. Alliances grew and fell, only one from that era has lasted until this day, the kingdom of Kolnet. So named for the young king that united all the smaller kingdoms under one banner. Eventually all the other major regions followed suit and united under one banner.

The island continent of Lurar saw little in the war of war but was well versed in combat having to survive the beastial creatures found only in this region. They also are legendary naval combatants as well as the first peoples to truly test their sea legs. The only recorded war on the soil of Lurar was the war for control. Relena was diverse with many races living together in peace. The Sacnt Kingdom was ruled by elves solely. Not a racist society, the elves were merely the first ones to take control and due to their naturally long lives they were able to keep control. This is also where the Treant race started.

At the end of this blossoming period of growth a number of large, awe inspiring cities were built with the aid of magic lost to this world now. Some of these cities remain to this day serving as both capitals & testaments to the days of old.


The 500 Year War


After centuries of finding their way and forming their boundaries in mostly isolation the two main continents finally starting paying attention to each other. And that attention did not take long to turn to aggression. Atropos had established itself as the true power and major influence on Kythe. The other countries looked to them for guidance and assistance. At this time on Lis a major upheaval was taking place. A young group of knights had been battling across the continent ending disputes and reuniting kingdoms, taking only fealty as payment. It turned out to be the newly crowned King of Gertalla, Hester of Sharne.

With his knights in tow he gained the upper hand on all the other major kings and queens of Lis and convinced them that Kythe was now the only thing worth fighting for control of. They saw Atropos and the Kythian way of laws as weak and inevitably going to fall because of its own undoing. They wanted to take the lands and establish kingdoms to keep it in check. Atropos and the Kythians saw the whole of Lis as cold and immoral. They found their ideals went against all that they stood for.

Thus began the 500 year war between the Lis Empire and Atropos/Kythe. War ravaged both continents and many cities were lost as well as countless towns and villages. In the middle of all of the Lurar under the guidance of the Sanct Kingdom stayed out of this war, but managed to make great amounts of money by lending the aid of its navy for both sides. The war only ended because the world saw a new threat that it had to face together.


The Crack in the Sky

World Link (WIP)

Xen Map

Current Year:

123 B.C.

Available Races:

Human - Elf - Dwarf - Gnome

Halfling - Half Elf - Half Orc

Treant (Example)

The Gods of Vas:

Creator of Life and the Stars

Mother of the Earth and Nature

God of Death, Gatekeeper to Hell

Bling God of Justice

God of Knowledge, Creator of the Mystic Weave

God of Chaos and War

Elf Goddess, Protector of the Realm of Nature

Dwarven God, Forger of the Mountains

Orc God, Creator of goblinkin

God of Dragons

Present: The Mercenaries
Present: The Waking Dead
Present: Maybe Treants?

One day late in the last year of the 500 year war the world underwent a drastic change. What appeared to be a gigantic crack in the sky halted everyone in their tracks. No one knew what it was or how it got there, many fear the world was going to end, others thought it signs from their gods. On the first day nothing happened but the crack appearing. On the second day crack started to glow deep red and pulsate. The third day saw the first assault. Thousands of creatures never seen before fell from the skies and descended upon all life.

Though the fighting was terrible the losses were minimal. The fourth day saw more of the same with greater numbers. Both of enemies and losses. On the fifth day the sky was blackened by the number of creatures falling from the crack. Entire countries were overrun and massacred. But as all hope seemed lost the crack in the sky pulsated with white light and a massive boom was heard across the world. The crack vanished, but left behind all that had escaped it already. Vas had seen destruction it had never known before.


The Last Sons of Vas


Even though they had been at war, there were messages being between Lis and Kythe. When the crack appeared both sides were sure the other had nothing to do with it so, they both sent dispatches to the other for a ceasefire. Many communications went back and forth in the first 2 days. On the third day trust was built where there was none. One such example was two battalions from both sides banded together to fend off these creatures. As they fought longer and longer they started to fall. They retreated towards the harbour town of Bosbury three large ships flying the flag of Lurar signaled to them. They battled for every inch together and left no one behind as they made their way to the ships.

One young Atropian soldier took command of them all when they witnessed him slay 5 of the creatures by himself. With their new allies the makeshift army cut across Atropos slaying all these creatures they could find. Some of the villages they saved were so remote the people thought everyone had died, so they took to calling this group the Last Sons of Vas. To this day the Last Sons of Vas banner flies, as a unified army spread across this world. They hold no positions of authority outside of battle, and are behold to no one kingdom or ruler. The Last Sons of Vas has vowed to never be caught unprepared again.