Church of Gheara Organization in Theana | World Anvil
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Church of Gheara

Where the essence of all comes to gather

Church of Gheara

A religion that seemingly popped up overnight. Known for its very disruptive nature, (think of the Westboro Baptist Church) it believes in an otherworldly plane known as "The Gura Plane." The plane has no gods and is described as the plane that, if you go there after death, your essence will be spread among all living things in all major planes. This includes anything from a squirrel in the material plane to a fire elemental in the fire plane. People like this idea bc of the concept of "giving back" to all people and creatures, including friends and family. There are no gods in this religion, but they do believe in demons and spirits. That being said, they do not like said demons and spirits, condemning them, those who work or worship them, and their offspring (Teiflings, Genasi, Kalishtar, etc.) to death.

After Death

After death, a Dinte, must be called and be there within four days. The priest then sends the soul of the person to the Gura by storing it in an artifact, then the Dente will go back to the main temple and perform a ritual to send the soul to the Gura. If this cannot be done by a priest within the four day time limit, then the next best thing is a small Doberman statue. This statue, a little sister to the fifteen-foot tall one in the capital, is said to guide the spirit back to the priests if the statue is removed from the bedside of the deceased and delivered to the temple. However, there is no guarantee that this will work, as just in real life, the dog statue is said to get distracted on occasion. Because of this reason, it is preferred to find a priest, as that is the most assured way for people to have their loved ones go to the Gura.
Religious, Cult
Alternative Names
The Gurans, The Consumers (derogatory name)


The Priests, or Dente, of the Gura are stalwart people, sworn to silence by their oaths. Because of this, they have companions that speak for them. They have many lines rehearsed and known for both before and after rituals. "The Gura thanks you for your diligence." "The Gura will spread (the dead person)'s gift to all life, and they will exist forever." "The Church thanks you, and wishes you well despite your loss." and many others are drilled into the brain of the "translator."    


The isolationist leader of the church is known as the Limba. She is the only one of the priests of the Ghura allowed to speak, as her words came straight from the plane itself. What would have been quite an interesting history is shrouded in mystery, to the point that no one knows her previous name. In fact, the only clue that she had a name before she became the Limba was straight out of her mouth. "I cast off my name in order to embrace being the mouthpiece of the Voiceless One." It is also said that she knows all that the Gura knows, who learns this knowledge by taking all the necessary knowledge from those it frees. She also has a right-hand man known as Tyr, the head of all the Dente in the city. Even less is known about him than the Limba, if that is even possible. He has only spoken one word in all the time people have recognized him, simply saying "No." This was in response to the eradication order, and if it should be lifted in order to better focus on worship than sacrifice.


All followers of the Gura must cover their faces when in public, think of a hijab. Many artifacts also are worshipped, as well as being seen as gifts from the Gura, including a lens that apparently amplifies many spells, and a rod that could banish any sickness to the Gura, where it shall be eradicated. This rod is reserved for only the highest Dente and, of course, the Limba.

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