Dedications in Thearis | World Anvil


I dedicate this to the following people who have stepped into my world and added their own magic to mine. Thearis wouldn't be the same without you, and I am eternally grateful for you.


My love, my partner, my sounding board, the ground beneath my feet. Thanks for believing in me and listening to my stories and plans, and for hanging in there through Oatmeal cookies, and Stone soup, and Strawberry Cream Pie. I dedicate this world to you.


The moon in the heavens, my beloved shadow. You were my support, my encouragement, and when the world fell down you were there with a pep-talk and the shot of spite I needed to get up and keep going. I dedicate my magic and mad gods to you.


My sister, my sky. Thank you for reading the things I send, and for the encouragement you've offered me. You were my first audience; my first critique partner. You're always behind my craziest ideas, and plotting with you is still my delight. I dedicate these stories to you.


My mother, my ocean. Thank you for teaching me the magic of stories, for telling me your own, and for listening to mine. My writing still isn't amazing, but you listened with pride to even the worst of my works. You always bring me home. I dedicate these plots to you.


My father, my foundation. You always believed in me, and your pride in my work means the world to me. Thank you for being at my shoulder and listening to my dreams and plans. Without your guidance I never would have found the courage to stand on my own. I dedicate this platform to you.

And to many unsung heroes...

From the kind strangers who encouraged me, to the utter narcissistic assholes who inspired my villains, I couldn't have done it without you. Each of you lives on in my writing in some way or other, and I enjoy every moment I spend interacting with you here.

Cover image: by Trice Magill