Stories from Thearis Series Structure in Thearis | World Anvil

Stories of Thearis Story Model

I'm writing these stories with the busy individual in mind. I don't have time to tuck into a Sanderson novel, however wonderful they may be. Simply put, I intend to write stories that can be read in a single sitting. Some stories will be longer than others, and some will be shorter. Longer ones may be posted in multiple parts, like The Double: Hare to Heir, which was posted in three parts. You may have time to read 15,000 words, or you may not. I'm not going to blush to post 300 word stories either.

So what can you expect from Stories from Thearis?

Stories From Thearis is an anthology of stories that are told in Seasons and Serials.
You can think of these like a TV Show:

Stories will follow a single main character and their lives and loves and losses. The Stories are like the TV show itself.

Seasons are like seasons in a TV show.

Serials are contained stories within the Season, like an episode of a TV show.

  The Double is the first Story I've posted. The first Season in The Double is called "The Lord's Hare". Heir to Heir parts 1, 2, and 3 are Serials within The Double: The Lord's Hare.
The Season, The Lord's Hare, will end when Kirin is established in his place as the Body Double, or else fails to stick the landing. But -- Spoilers -- Kirin's story won't end in The Lord's Hare. There will be other Seasons within The Double, including The Mairch's Nephew, which also follow Kirin.

There will be other Stories too:

Ghosts of Glessankeep will follow Lawrence Dulaith, the Mairch of Eldefrey.
Shadows of Eldefrey will follow Rixian Dulaith, the missing lord from whom Kirin is doubling.
The Duellist will follow Ryan Bellamy of the Dulaith's Rival family the Bellamy's of Ifreln.

There are several other Stories that I have in progress: The Fields of Ifreln, The Oathblades Anthology, The Alliance, The Broken Tower, The Shadow, The Halls of Bruminat, and The Traitor Empire to name a few.

Each of these Stories can be read on their own, and within the Stories each Season will tell a complete story, and each Serial will tell a complete story; like a TV show.

So if you're interested in the four hundred thousand words I've written, you're welcome to follow every character in every Story and Season and Serial. If you're only interested in a specific character, you can find which Serials have to do with that character in their profile.
Other than continuity and possible spoilers these stories will mostly stand on their own.
You can use the timelines to see the ways the Stories interact with each other. As more Stories and Season and Serials are added the timelines will fill out.