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Arathao is one of the remaining High Angels of Empyrean City. Serving under Aegwyn herself, he is the head of the Council of Justice and a member of the Council of Wisdom. The Two Councils, as they are known, help Aegwyn in the running of Empyrean City, and while she has ultimate power to over-rule them, she has always taken their thoughts seriously.   Many ages have passed since the height of Empyrean City, and now it risks fading out of all memory; Out of all existence. To rule the highest heaven came with a price; Power bound directly to worship. During the peak of her following, Aegwyn's power was unmatched among all the heavens, but she was complacent. Loving her followers unconditionally, they began to become lazy; still she loved them. They missed prayers and created governments that enacted laws of greed and power; still she gave her boons and miracles. By the time she realised the seriousness of their apathy, it was too late. Greed took over and man became god. A god of corruption and indifference to injustice.   Now, with her realm on the edge of death, and a new dark threat looming over the world, she sends Arathao to the mortal plane with the little power she has left, to reignite the spark of her following; To bring Empyrean City back to its former glory.   Most of his power could not make the journey with him. He is now mortal; More fragile than he has ever been. But desperation is a powerful tool when tempered with wisdom. Her following will be rebuilt on the ashes of the corrupt, the greedy and the evil. Change is coming to Veratus, and he's starting with Zir.

Once a High Angel of Empyrean City. A trusted member of Aegwyn's Court. Now mortal, on a quest to rekindle the following of The Lady and bring his almost forgotten realm of light back to the top where it belongs. The Highest Heaven.

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Lawful Good
Looks to be 30 ish

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