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Lord of Fire and Master of Noble Sacrifice, King of All Dragons, Guardian of the Sultana, Lord of Soldiers, Scarlet Protector of the Innocent, the Supreme Fire Dragon, and Patron of the Dragonkin.
Domains: Fire, Drakes*, Nobility, Protection, Repose, Scalykind
Alignment: Lawful
Favored Weapon: Longsword, whip   Cloaked in smoke, fire, and incense; hugely fond of gold, blood, and jewels; and the favored patron god of the dragonkin everywhere, Baal is a figure of celebration. A figure of raucous festivals and of powerful impulses of noble sacrifice and even martyrdom. The jaws of Baal are huge and fanged, and—as his scriptures frequently repeat— “fires must be fed”. Sacrifices of gold and jewels are made by all his worshipers, and most of all by the sultana, who is believed to be under Baal’s special protection.   The god himself is sometimes male and sometimes female, matching the ruling sultan or sultana, but in all cases resembles a red-orange dragon with golden teeth, eyes, claws, and horns, and black wings streaked with green and gold.   Worshipers
The Mharoti are the devoted followers of Baal and consider it an honour to have a son or daughter join the priesthood. The most devoted are the dragonkin, but humans and even some gnolls are fond of Baal’s extravagant confidence and sure protection. Baal watches over more than the sultana; he also protects every hearth in Zir, every child is his child, and every lantern, candle, or torch burns through his divine will. Professional mourners and funeral attendants are also his followers, as are all the titled nobles of the Mharoti, for Baal protects authority and the divine rights of draconic ruling class. In that vein, all true dragons and most drakes worship Baal as their patron and protector.   Thirty or forty orders of cavaliers, paladins, wizards, and priestly warriors are devoted to Baal, from the Golden Lanterns of Harkesh (an order of fire wizards) to the Humble Knights of Searing Truth (zealous paladins). Thieves, merchants, dwarves, necromancers, and scribes are all banned from his temples.   Symbols and Books
Baal’s symbols are a horned dragon head and a leaping flame (rarely combined). The colours red, gold, black, and orange are common among his priests. The teachings of the Lord of Fire are never written down, but instead are held in the memories and recited daily by the Baal-Shek, the learned priests who have memorized all 444 of the sacred stories of Baal. The final 44 of these are secrets peculiar to the priesthood of Baal, and it is said that those who learn them are all dragonkin who were raised from infancy by the dragon-lords themselves.   What Baal Demands
Sacrifice gold, blood and treasure to the dragon masters. Pray before a fire every day, and burn fat, meat, paper, and incense in his name. Avoid water; never swim or sail if you can walk or fly. Rage is a righteous and proper form of worship, but protect the innocent, unless their hour of sacrifice is at hand. Never write down the lessons of Baal, but keep them pure in your heart.

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