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Barakus Leaves, Flames in His Wake

General Summary

As you rest for the evening, recalling your recent experiences and reflecting upon what you have learned over the past several days. The camera pans out, from your bed, down the stairs of the gaudy saloon and revealing several card games in full throttle, a fight breaks out before a dishevelled individual, garbed in hat and duster steps through the swinging doors and breaks up the ruckus. The camera zooms past Colt wrestling one of the gamblers to the ground and out into the relatively deserted street. It zooms in closer to staggering individuals parking themselves in alleys and relieving themselves. A bright light flickers in the peripheral of the camera, before it swings around to focus on the source. The general store, Curios, is the cause of this glaring light, the flames rising and building up to a crescendo as they engulf the wooden structure with haste and desperation. The camera flies upwards, granting a better perspective of the blaze and just outside of town it picks up a shadowed figure, making his way across the dunes of sand, once golden, now muted as though covered in ink. He is laden with bags and satchels, supplies and rations protruding from their leather containers. His head angles upwards and to the right, revealing a lizard-like silhouette. A gout of flame escapes his toothy maw, arcing up into the night sky itself, defiant, as he continues his path, away from the backwater town, disappearing behind the dunes. Bored with the silhouette, the camera now refocuses its attention upon the blazing store, zooming in to the entrance where several gold coins lay scattered upon the floor, as though in offering to the mighty inferno.
Report Date
22 Mar 2021

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