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Lord of Stone, Decider of Destiny, the Scrivener of Fate, Keeper of the Vault of Souls, the Earthen Emperor, Keeper of Gold and Jewels, the Dragon Lord of Certainty
Domains: Earth, Knowledge, Repose, Rune, Strength
Subdomains: Caves, Metal, Memory, Souls, Language, Resolve
Alignment: Lawful
Favoured Weapon: Hammers, Picks, Short Swords
  The priests of Khespotan tell a tale of their god’s own strange fate. Once a primordial deity, the original Khespotan recorded the fate of the world on clay tablets. When a divine dragon swallowed Khespotan up like a pebble, the chthonic god fought back from inside the dragon’s belly. Absorbing the dragon from within, the current Khespotan emerged as the dragon god of the earth. Gods are strange. Khespotan lives deep within the earth in a vast subterranean vault. Khespotan keeps worthy souls there, millions of them, each resting peacefully within a flawless gem of great size and fire. He is depicted holding a gemstone in statues and paintings. His priests say the great stony wyrm carves out the destinies of every being on these gems.   Worshipers
Though his faithful are subdued compared to followers of Baal, Khespotan is nevertheless influential in the Dragon Empire and forms the empire’s spiritual foundation. His priests and mourners provide the funerary rites and burial of most Mharoti, especially the poor kobolds. Builders revere the Lord of Stone and Destiny and ask him to help their works withstand the ages. Miners seek his blessing for safe passage beneath the earth. The clergy trains architects, scribes, and scholars who design public works and record royal edicts. Lastly, most of the empire’s duty-bound army worships Khespotan. The Silent Sentinels and the Grey Janissaries view their fate as sealed, and thus they face each battle fearless and resolute.   Symbols and Books
Khespotan’s symbols are specific letters of the Mharoti alphabet etched on stone or clay; sometimes the first to represent the entire writing system or “khes” falling in the middle, but often just the last letter to signify the final destiny of all things. Wealthier worshipers wear precious stone or metal ornament inscribed with a rune. The Tablets of Fate are Khespotan’s holy text, and it contains his entire ethos clearly and completely. Some claim major destinies can be deciphered from the tablets. Khespotan’s clergy maintains the only prophecy foretold is that all will one day return to the earth. Splinter groups claim much deeper knowledge in the tablets.   What Khespotan Demands
Every fate is already set in stone; accept this. Trace your path by following the commandments carved in the Tablets of Fate. Though your fate is unrevealed, proper adherence to the faith will ensure you never stray from the path. Do your duty, endure hardships, continue ever onward. Never complain. When your destiny arrives, you will know. Your destiny will end in the earthen arms of Khespotan.

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